•April 2nd•

702 22 2

"me too" I responded, everything was the same from yesterday, the same walking routes, the same dressing rooms (just a lot more tidier) I didn't expect much to change, George's phone kept vibrating and something inside hit me, was this jealously? was I jealous at the fact his phone was vibrating? was he talking to other girls? what the hell was wrong with me? 

"You okay?" his voice brought me back to reality, I nodded and noticed we were heading inside a dressing room 

"We have sound check in 2 hours lads" Blake said, Reece put on a kids program on the TV, saw next to George I couldn't help but glance at his phone, he was on twitter and the amount of tweets he and the lads were getting was incredible, fans saying how they loved meeting them today, fans saying they loved them, fans saying they missed them, this band had so many fans I wasn't sure if I ever wanted to put photos or tweets up about this band without the fear they'd lynch me, I suddenly pictured myself in a guillotine with fans yelling at me, oh god, shake that off, shake it off!

"Kaciee" George brought me back to reality and I noticed he was trying to take a photo of us, smiling, I heard the click 
"Make another face" he said quickly so I did what I knew best, peace sign, tongue out, eyes closed. 

"Perfect!"was all I heard as I saw him open twitter, my phone buzzed to let me know I had been tagged by him

@NewHopeGeorge: Chilling out backstage with @kacieedaciee we gonna kill it tonight *photo*

My own phone vibrated and I expected it to be George DMing me but what I saw was a lot more worse, fans had found my twitter and the tweets were a mix, this was not what I wanted, putting my phone away I shook myself to remind myself on spending time with George. 

"You guys are gonna be great tonight" I said trying to sound more excited than I was, I couldn't let fans kill my vibe, I decided it was best to get photos with everyone incase I didn't see them forever after the show, Reece decided he would be hilarious and put a pair of boxers over his head. he was suddenly captain boxerman, Blake gave a smile, this photo wouldn't be going anywhere as he had his t-shirt off, we got another one when he put the shirt back on, I got a couple with George, he put two fingers up behind my head to make bunny ears, he smiled at me, we got a photo of us lying on the sofa in the dressing room and the last one, that was my favorite, he kissed my cheek, this boy would be the death of me with how cute he was. 

Heading down for soundcheck I was nervous, I had never witnessed this before so I wasn't sure what to do or expect, the venue was so big, seeing it filled with people compared to empty was crazy insane, grabbing my phone and checking my facebook, I noticed my best friend Sam was going crazy on inbox to me after finding out I was friends with the George Smith it was so weird, I felt kind of famous, when New Hope Club began soundchecking I got a small video to put on twitter. 

@KacieeDaciee: .@NewHopeClub soundechecking! can't wait for tonight *Video* 

After about 5 minutes my phone buzzed to let me know that people were retweeting my tweet/video, update accounts got a hold of it and withing 20 minutes my followers count went from 160 to 450 it went up 200 more by the end of soundcheck, my mentions went crazy, from people saying I wasn't there, this was an old video, that I was some kind of name to tell the guys this person loves them, to follow them or to tweet them, people saying they were jealous, it was insane the amount of tweets over one video and of course one photo George tweeted

After soundcheck George begged me to tell him what I thought, I was cruel so I kept telling him I couldn't tell him, he kept begging though, when we finally got back to the dressing room I showed him the tweets I was getting, he replied and followed some of the nice ones, of course causing frenzy within their fanbase. 

Fans tweeted to let him know they were outside 3 hours early and George replied telling them to keep warm, he valued the fans and didn't want them to get cold or hurt, when I saw him smile at his phone at the fans responses to him it made me smile, my heart had emotion I couldn't explain. 

Fuck, just how much did I like this boy? 

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