Chp. 1- First day of School.

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I wake up with the sounds of annoying birds chirping and blinding sunlight shining on my face. Some people like waking up like that but I have no idea how they stand that! I literally crawled out of bed and got to my closet and put on black leggings, gray crop top and a plaid cover up with black boots.

I head down stairs to see my family

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I head down stairs to see my family. "Hello?? Anyone remember to wake me up for morning breakfast?" I said and Halle came up to me. "Listen. You should've gotten your butt up earlier. Make your own." She said in my face. "Shows what kind of sister you are!" I said, pushed her and walked up stairs. I'll get some Starbucks on the way to school. I walk into Henry's room to let him know that I was ready. Hayden and I get in the backseat as Henry takes us to school. We get out and I see Selena and Kelsey!

"SELENA! KELSEY!" I yelled and ran to them forgetting my bag in the car. Hayden came up and tapped my shoulder. "Forgetting something?" I turned and grabbed the bag and walked away with Selena and Kelsey.  "So what's your schedule?" Selena asked. "Um," I said reaching into my bag to get it out. "Frist period- History. You?" "Same" she said and I squealed! "Math?" "" I sighed and told her the rest my schedule. We have History, Science, Gym and Spanish together! Kelsey didn't have any classes with us I wouldn't get to see my best friend a lot... Which totally sucks!

Selena and I walked into history class. It was a really boring class because he was just telling us the rules and what he expects. But it was finally over and I walked into math. While I was searching for my spot I find my seat and see who's next to me. The one and only Hayes, and might I add my crush since the 2nd grade! Well this is gonna be a long year. I don't even think he knows my name! The good thing was he wasn't here yet. Hopefully he skips! After two minutes of hoping I look to the door and see who walks in. Hayes. He looked at the teacher. "You sit next to Harper!" Apparently he does know my name because when he said my name he looked at me and did that what's up/hello head nod that guys do. As he sat down I turned away and listens to the teacher hoping he wouldn't try and talk to me. It's so embarrassing to talk to crush...or is that just me? "Hey Harper." He said as he sits next to me. I ignored him since we were in class and I wanted to know what we're doing this year. After class, I turned to him and said "hey." He looked back at me. "Now you answer me." "Yea sorry about that." Well this was awkward. I took out my schedule to see what's next. He took my paper and said "We both have science next. I'll walk with you." I was speechless. My crush since the 2nd grade was walking with me to class!

As we walked down the hall he grabbed my hand and I blushed. We make it to science and as I was writing down the notes. I know notes on the first day. Crazy right? Then I feel a paper hit the back of my head. I pick it up and it was a phone number. I turned around and see Hayes doing the number call sign. I smiled, then blushed. This was one of the best damn days ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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