You Only Miss it When it's Gone Pt. 3

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Part 3-
(AN: Okay, this is the final part of this memory of Sougo's. I feel like it's been going on a little too long, as I have been doing one memory per chapter, considerate it like an arc or something :P. Thanks for all of the support and tell me what you thought about this chapter! Not to pat myself on the back, but I'm quite happy with how it turned out. And man, I gotta say that it just feels like something is missing now ;-; the highlight during school was that I could watch Gintama now and then to get my mind off of the stress. I miss Gintama.)


I woke up suddenly, breathing heavily. That dream could not have been just a coincidence. My palms were sweaty and I felt some uneasy feeling in my stomach. Turning over on my side, I stare at a picture of Aneue and ponder over my options, and let myself cool down after that dream. I take long, drawn out breathes, relieved I was only dreaming. Reluctant to get out of bed, I forced myself to get up. As quickly as I could, I threw on some casual clothing and rushed out.
I strolled around and kept an eye out for Kagura, who could possibly be spending time with her boyfriend. As I looked around, I wasn't actually sure where to look. I didn't exactly think this through. I think, grimacing as I scanned the park - the first place I'd go to look for her. But as it would be too convenient for her to be here, Kagura wasn't there. I continue down the sidewalk. I pass by Gintoki's place and decide to see if she was there. Something about the thought of asking him felt unsettling. Unsettling as in, he seemed to already know what I felt and what I wanted to do... Without a single word exchanged about any of it. I looked up and Gintoki was already leaning on the railing while drinking strawberry milk, and looking straight ahead with his usual dead fish eyes. I brace myself and approach Gintoki, who looks in my direction as if expecting me. "Danna-"
"Kagura is in her room." he says and takes a swig of his strawberry milk. Do you have some weird telepathic powers I don't know about? He looks at me expectantly, and I nod and turn to the door. My cheeks felt like they were burning. I open the door and look around. Kagura's room? Does she even have one? Walking around the place, there wasn't a bedroom besides Gintoki's. Searching the place, my cheeks grew more and more an indecent pink realizing there wasn't another room she could be sleeping in. Could Kagura be sleeping... With Gintoki? Ridiculous questions shrouded my mind. Kagura does admire Gintoki a lot... And she lives with him. Hell, she even acts like him sometimes. What if Gintoki was the boyfriend? But... He's so much older. No, teen girls love older guys. As I grew furious at Gintoki, I heard a sound like something hitting the wall and a groan following after coming from Gintoki's room.
"China?" I called out and dashed towards the room. I heared shuffling, but it quickly stopped. Scanning the room, I looked for anywhere Kagura could be. My eyes stopped at the closet. I crept up to the closet and slid the door open. Surely enough, Kagura was in there, curled up and holding a weird contraption that was most likely something she bought after seeing a commercial. "Found you." I said, smirking. I held a hand out to her, but she disregarded it. She almost looked upset. Withdrawing my hand, I ask, "Why are you in here anyway? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your boyfriend?" She sighs and then turns to face me.
"Um... I was getting ready for my date, anything wrong with that?" She then pulls out an assortment of red clothes from- where did she keep those? and started narrowing down what she wanted to wear. She picked up the yukata she wore at Yoshiwara, considered wearing it, but ultimately decided against it. She looked between two similar outfits, a cheongsam with long sleeves paired with white pants, and a longer and short sleeved cheongsam paired with black pants.
"I thought that yukata looked nice, actually." I say absentmindedly, but blushed realizing I had said it aloud. I expected her to dismiss what I said, instead, she looked at it once again and brought it to the bathroom to change into. When she exited, she was in the yukata, wearing long red and black socks that went past her knee. Her hair was up differently- she looked nice. Before I could of anything to say, she walked to the door and put on some boots. "Well, I'm going on my date now." I could only nod in response.
When I exited the door, Gintoki turned to face me. I looked along the street, Kagura was already long gone. "Soichirou-Kun, she went that way." He points in a direction.
"It's Sougo." I narrow my eyes at him. "Wait, why?"
"Why?" Gintoki gives me a slight smile, "Well, we're going to follow her."

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