IwaOi || Iwaizumi x Oikawa

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I'm sick af rn and I want an Iwa-Chan to take care of me. 


 When Hajime's phone started ringing during class he couldn't fight the annoyed sigh that escaped him - he'd told Tooru at least five times the day before that he had an important test, that Tooru was not to call him unless it was an emergency.

Because of that, Hajime was sure that To0ru was calling about something stupid - to tell Hajime something that could very easily what until they both were home that night. But there was a small part of Hajime - not actual anxiety, necessarily, but something close - that made Hajime's heart beat pick up. Tooru knew - he understood how important this test was, and no matter how much he enjoyed teasing Hajime, he wouldn't interrupt this test.

Sneakily Hajime chanced a peak at his phone, and he was surprised to find that it wasn't Tooru calling him, and was in fact Akaashi. He allowed his eyebrows to furrow in confusion, but his heart rate definitely slowed down at that - Tooru was okay, wasn't interrupting Hajime's test. Akaashi was probably just calling to ask about the homework they'd been assigned in their psychology class the day before and Hajime would call him after this test to confirm Akaashi's suspisions.

With a small, relieved smile on his face, Hajime got back to his test.


An hour later he was walking out of the college classroom with a sore ass, a migraine, and a small sense of relief in his chest because he didn't have to worry about any more exams for two more days - he could go home, share banter with Tooru, and relax.

While walking down the hallway he pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Akaashi back, ready to relay their assignment to the younger boy.

"Iwaizumi-San," Akaashi greeted, and the wing spiker smiled.

"Yeah, what did you need, Akaashi? Questions about last nights assignment?"

"No, it's actually Oikawa-San." Iwaizumi's heart started beating a bit faster. "I think he's got the flu."

Hajime let out a sigh of relief. "You made it sound like he was dying, Akaashi you asshole!" he shouted, pulling the attention of the other kids in the hallway, but he didn't care.

"He really seems to be in a lot of pain, and he just keeps whining for you. I brought him to your shared apartment during lunch, since he was puking, and he couldn't concentrate on anything at all. I have to leave know, but I expect you'll be home soon?"

Hajime nodded, walking a little faster. "Yeah, It's only a ten minute walk, but I'll jog it and be there in five."


Hajime burst through the door and took off his shoes quickly before speed walking to he and Tooru's shared bedroom. When he walked in through the door he was met with Tooru curled up in all of their blankets, a prominent frown on his face.

"Hajime," the chocolate haired boy whined, and Hajime felt warmth rush to his heart despite how annoying that tone of voice had always been to him.

He didn't reply, and instead let himself look over what he could see of his boyfriend - hair matted to his head by sweat, nose red and running, eyes glossy and irritated, cheeks pale. It annoyed Hajime that despite all of this Tooru still looked good, still looked as beautiful as always.

Hajime let out a sigh before walking closer to the bed. He avoided the trash can close to the bed for Tooru's puking purposes and pressed the back of his left hand to Tooru's forehead - Hajime wasn't surprised with the sweat or the heat.

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