Chapter 02

15 3 0

Been loving little mix songs lately.

Enjoy reading!

Days passed.

Weeks passed.

I had put myself to work than having a thought of the man who holds such emerald eyes.

After that day I had hope to never get to see him again, I've didn't let myself went through walks as I always take a cab home though as my car had gone fixed, I had then always reminded myself to be guarded at all times just to avoid the stranger .

"Dr. Kass..., I will miss you." The little girl named Andi tells me her blonde hair falls down her shoulders.

"Even though if I'll graduate I will be visiting you here." I assured my client.

I want to make sure she'll be going to recover fully. She has much potential just to be stuck here, she is just fifteen if she'd recover I will assure to help her out. Talking to her helped us with her case, she is going through a trauma and depression to witness her parents loss for such man who had robbed them.

For the following sessions she had gained weight and had interacted kindly with everyone though there still are times she would cry for remembering that scene.

I always told her to keep moving forward in life there is so much more for her. She told me she will try, she even told me that she wanted to become like me someday, she wanted to helped... others like her.

She shows a smile.

My beeper, beeps signaling for the session to end.

"We'll that's our cue. " I told her.

She stood up as the nurse steps in. "See you again next Wednesday day okay?"

She nods her head.

I then left the room to grab my dinner as my shift ended.

It is 11:30pm, Saturday.

I parked my car in front of McDonalds thinking of getting a fast food meal.

After ordering a burger and some fries at the drive thru, I then make my way back home.

I smiled at Riley the guard of our building before I went in the elevator to get into my floor.

I arrived at my front door as I hold my dinner at my left hand with my right holding my keys.

Opening the door I found a letter.

I picked it up as I locked the door behind me.

Placing the food and the letter on the couch as I immediately went to have a shower and change into my pj's.

After feeling fresh I then went to settle at the couch and started to eat my burger before opening the letter.

You are invited to participate on the said seminar at Sunday, June 5th at 9:30am on Chesire Hospital.

I sighed.

I immediately finished eating as I then brushed my teeth and packed some clothes on my bag before again leaving my flat.

I went down with a phone on my hand leaving the building I took a cab to get into the airport and get a ticket to Chesire.

This is tiring but for my future, I'll do it.

The plane boarded, for the couple of hours. The plane landed making my way to my new flat as I take a cab and reached my flat here in Holmes Chapel.

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