Redeeming Catholics and their Catholicism

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Redeeming Catholics

and their Catholicism

(This bible study is available covered on!)

Bethany K. Scanlon

M. Christine Dickson

PTP Planet Teach Publications

ISBN: 978-0982542170

Copyright © 2006 by Bethany K. Scanlon and M. Christine Dickson - All rights reserved.

Library of Congress: TX0006412865

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.


We dedicate this book to the one true God, Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior.

Christine would like to thank her husband Richard for accepting her, loving her, and seeing gifts in her that no one else recognized.

Bethany would like to give special thanks to her husband Luke for his patience while she worked on this book and for loving her like Christ loves the church.

Table of Contents


What is a Catholic?.....................................................11

Success of Catholicism....................................22

Purgatory: Real or imagined?......................................33

Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His function?......41

Poised for Destruction?..............................................54

What about Water Baptism?......................................63

Redeeming the time........................................71

Speaking in tongues: Is it real?...................................77

Tradition vs. Fact..........................................83

To Marry or to not?....................................................94

Believing God.............................................122

Our Father.................................................130

Europe-(conclusion, no study)..........................140


All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

This book is a labor of love. It is a burning passion of mine to state truth and reveal deception. My intention is not to offend anybody but to enlighten, to pose questions and answer them using The SWORD of the SPIRIT, The Holy Bible, God's gift to us. How can you get to know God? Read His story!I converted to Catholicism in the late eighties with the desire to change my life. I was on a certain path of self destruction. I cried out one Saturday morning for God to help. It took a few months; He had to break me and rid me of pride, and it was painful. God stepped in and met me where I was. My journey to Him went the long way around but when I look back God was always trying to intervene, He was always revealing himself, I just didn't know it was Him. The past few years of praying with my friend Bethany, studying God's Word and attending Beth Moore bible study's taught me to recognize how God communicates with his beloved. Dear readers my prayer for you is to trust and believe God. He wants a real relationship with each and every one of us. You get to know Him through His Word; it is His message to us, His love letter. Trust and believe it. God will reveal Himself in a way that you will realize He's here, close to us and cares about every detail of our lives. He is not in some far off place. Open your hearts to Him, the God who knows you.

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