Ashley and her family have been through quite a lot this past year, you could go as far as to say it's been hell for all of them. Ashley's dad dean carpenter was very abusive to her, her mum Lynsey carpenter and her brother Aaron carpenter. Dean use...
After an hour of driving they finally made it to the airport, they got out of the uber and made there way inside, as they approached Starbucks fans were running up to Aaron screaming and shouting asking for pictures. After Aaron was done taking pictures our flight was called.
Ashley's Pov After about an hour I wanted to ask my mum something "Mum?" I asked "yes babe?" She replied "will you miss dad?" I asked, she didn't reply so I just kept quiet. I looked over at Aaron so see him asleep I took his phone and started spamming it (1 picture below) ps I'm wearing my team Rowland jumper because I can😜
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~AFTER OUR FLIGHT~ (Still Ashley's Pov) We just got of the plane and my mum called an uber, as soon as the uber arrived we got in and made our way to the house it only took about 1 hour but it didn't seem that long since I had a little nap. "ASHLEY!!! WERE HERE!" I heard Aaron shout "SHUT UP AARON!! I KNOW" I yelled back at him, I got my bag out the boot and saw a massive beautiful house, I'm guessing it was ours ha, it had a huge pool outside and it already had all of our furniture so we wouldn't have had to do much inside the house when we got here except from empty a phew things in our rooms, my room was beautiful, come to think of it I don't really know why I was so upset about moving other than missing my dad of course.
Aaron's PoV We finally walked into the beautiful house and I had seen Ashley's face light up which made me happy because she wasn't to sure about moving but I think she's alright now. It's been about 2 hours since we've got here and I had got a message from hunter ?strange I know.. ~Our convo~ Hunter:Yo Aaron, did I just see you move into the house next door? Me: Erm I'm not sure, step outside in just opening my front door now. Hunter: alright. ~end of convo~ "Hey Aaron" I heard someone shouting my name so i looked over my right shoulder and see hunter standing there waving at me "yo hunter" I said as I put my hand up in the air signalling for him to come over, he ran over and gave me a bro hug (I know that sounds hella cheesy but YOLO) after about an hour of talking to hunter about Arizona and how happy he is that I'm his new neighbour, I said goodbye to him because my mum called me in for dinner.