1 - Remembering the past~

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I'm sitting on my bed, just letting my hair dry. I'm like this every morning, I just can't go outside of my house with my hair wet. Lmao.

My name is Chanyeol by the way. Park Chanyeol.

Anyway, it's raining heavily this morning. I knew this would happen, when I looked at the sky last night. Now I'm thinking whether to go to school or not. It's just a seminar anyway.

I'm blasting my earphones with music. Yes, K-pop.

[>] On rainy days


Yes, I'm a Beast fan. A hardcore fan.

This song is so sad. He loves the person so much even after they broke up. When it rains, he remembers the love he still feels for her,

the love that he hid through all those smiles.

He smiles, why?

Because he thinks that he has no right to be sad, cos' he was the one who didn't held onto her. Because of his pride.

Yup, pride.

'Damn that pride.' I thought to myself.

Everytime I'm alone I remember him.

I remember my last boyfriend. It was about a year ago. Was TOO long, yes?

Why? I don't know why!

I think I still love him. I'm not sure too myself.

I remember how we got together. He was a bit annoying at first, but yeah, he kept being annoying. But, I.. uh.. kinda liked it of course. His name is Kim Jongdae, or Chen. As he likes to call himself that.

At that time, I had a hot boyfriend, his name was Kris.

Will you listen to my story? Or should I say, me and Jongdae's story? Well, there's still many stories to go.. but, don't complain~! ^__^v

So here it is, let me take us one year ago. March 2012.

That time, I was dating someone. His name was Kris.

Kris is kind of your typical teenage boy who repeated his fourth year in high school for 3 years. Well, not so typical, I guess.

But I love him. He's not my first boyfriend though! I was kind of a fool before, you know, playing around people's feelings, bcos I know thet like me, whatsoever.

But it didn't stop with Kris though. I still did it. But I know I love him. Abd I know he loved me too. I was so sure. Atleast that's what I knew.

Kris and I lasted long, well, not that long. But it was for me, compared to other relationships I had.

Even if he was kind of a deliquent, he cared for my studies. He even scolded me at times, when I refuse to go to school or don't do my homeworks.

But one day came, Jongdae texted me.

I didn't know it was him at first, because he was my classmate during elementary and I was in highschool the time he contacted me.

So, of course I didn't ignore him. We became friends.

"You know, I liked you even when we were classmates back then." I was shocked. I don't know, maybe because he still told me that even he knew I had a boyfriend?

"Really? Why did I not notice?" Hm, jongdae's looks is not so bad. He's cute. But I can say Kris is handsome. He's hot. The type of man that you'll drool of.

Days, weeks pass, Kris and I are starting to grow apart. I don't know, it just seems like he's growing apart from me, and I don't seem to even care. Can you even understand my point? Huh reader-nim? I'm lost here.

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