Blue Dream Part 17

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"Till asked me to move in with him, last night, Paulchen," Flake said the following morning, over breakfast, as the sun streamed through the kitchen windows to lance over the table where Flake sat with Paul.

"Did he, really? That's great," Paul said, with a surprised, but happy, grin at his closest friend, after he'd first swallowed his mouthful of scrambled eggs.

"Is it? I don't know whether it is or not," Flake said, morosely.

"Why the hell wouldn't it be great?" Paul asked, in surprise, as he lowered his toast to stare at Flake. "He's your boyfriend, Flake. It'll look weird if you carry on living with me, and not the guy that you're supposed to be, you know, actually dating."

"I know, but it seems so permenant, doesnt it?" Flake asked, with a grimace. "It's a hell of a commitment."

"I agree, but you've been dating for bloody ages; over a year, I think. That, in itself, is one hell of a commitment, and Till's obviously really serious about you, to even ask," Paul told him. "He must be ready to settle down with you."

"Yeah," Flake said, and he sounded as though he hadn't thought of that, himself. "Maybe I'll accept."

"I really think you should, you know," Paul advised. "And no, it's not like I'm trying to get rid of you or anything, before you start."

"Good," Flake replied, and Paul was glad to note that at least he laughed at that. "That's nice to know. I thought I'd run it by you first, just to make sure you were okay with it. I knew your response would also help me make up my mind."

"I am okay with it," Paul said, with a confused frown at his friend. "Why wouldn't I be? You have your own life to lead, as have I. We have to look after own happiness, after all. It's not like we're gonna magically stop being friends, or that you're gonna stop working with me or anything. You're not, are you?"

For one brief moment, Paul considered the terrible thought that Flake might leave Comic World, leaving him short-staffed and stressed out.

"No. Definitely not. I still need money," Flake said, before a sudden smile quirked over his lips. "I suppose I still need friends, as well."

"Well, don't sound too enthusiastic, will you?" Paul asked, a teasing note warming his voice.

Flake laughed companionably, before he nodded over at Richard, just emerging from the bathroom.

"Will he be staying when I go?" he asked, as he watched the oblivious Richard wandering through to the kitchen to collect his own breakfast warming on the hob.

"Of course, if he agrees," Paul said, not wanting to point out that Flake had just said 'when' and not 'if' in regards to his own decision.

"What?" Richard asked, as he settled beside Paul, after first giving Paul a lingering, yet still surprisingly tender kiss. "Why do I get the feeling you're talking about me?"

"It's because we are," Flake said, without preamble. "I'm moving out."

"Oh? That's a bit sudden. It's not because of me, is it?" Richard asked, pausing only briefly before shoving a forkful of food into his mouth, with great, and obvious, enjoyment.

"No," Flake said, as he shook his head in disgust over Richard's eating habits. "Till asked me to move in with him, last night."

"Oh? Good. Congratulations?" Richard asked, uncertainly and there was an air of awkwardness about him at that.

"Thanks," Flake said, nodding despite the obvious awkwardness clinging to the other man's body.

"When will you be going, anyway, Flake? When are you expecting to move out, I should say," Paul asked, with a slight and embarrassed grimace at his own slip-up and perceived slight.

Blue Dream (Kreuzberg Dragonshifters Book 1) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now