Chapter Nine

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We finally reach the doors and security finishes checking my bag for any weapons. I throw my bottles in the bin as does Elliot and we dart into the venue, running our legs senselessly to get a good spot near the front of the stage.

Lucky us, there's a spot right against the stage spacious enough for two people to stand.

I grab onto Elliot's hand and pull him towards the area, jumping in my shoes when we reach it. I place my bag in Elliot's hands and he nods at me, putting the straps over his shoulders so that he's wearing it now.

I look back at the entry way and spot a small merchandise shop. My face lights up as I turn to Elliot and point with a grin. "We should go and buy shirts!" I exclaim enthusiastically.

He nods his head at me in return, "Yeah. Only one of us can go, though. So one stays here and minds our spot while the other buys their merch." He smiles and I nod in agreement. He tells me to go first, so I rummage through my back - that is still on his back, might I add - and grab out my wallet. I bolt towards the small shop that has Austin Moon shirts and other merchandise stapled to the wall behind the cash register and I run my eyes over the options quickly. I hum as I decide.

"What would you like?" The guy behind the register asks me and I smile at him, finally deciding on a black Austin Moon male style tank top that says Kiss the Moon with a glowing moon underneath it. Male style tank tops are really comfortable, yeah?

"That one please," I choose and it doesn't take long at all for him to hand me the shirt and for me to pay. I say a quick thanks before bolting back to Elliot. Luckily I can still see him. I barge past about one or two people until I'm stood next to Elliot and letting out a breath of relief. "Your turn." I say to him and he nods, handing my bag to me and jogging off to the store.

I mind our spot. I place my bag between my knees and change my shirt discreetly. I put the tank top on over my current shirt and then take my original shirt off underneath the tank top. Simple to explain, a little bit harder to actually do. But I did it.

As soon as I stuff my shirt into my bag, Elliot appears next to me again. I look down at the shirt he bought to see that we bought the same shirt. I smile at him and he takes his shirt off right there. I turn away, letting out a strange squealing sound as he switches his shirt.

"You could've warned me!" I exclaim over the now slightly noisy crowd that's building up. I'm so glad we got in the line early. We're almost pretty much in the middle of the stage. Just off the the right a bit. I turn around and watch as person by person all flood in slowly.

Sigh. This is going to be a long wait.

* * *

This is it. It's finally happening. We've gone through the opening acts. They were all good and I knew at least one of them, but nows the time for what literally everyone in this room has been waiting for. Austin Moon.

A subtle fog slowly mists out the sides of the stage and I watch in anticipation, awaiting for Austin to jog out or at least speak into his microphone.

"This is so exciting!" Elliot says beside me, shaking my arm slightly. I nod in agreement and when I turn my attention back to the stage in front of me, the drummer of his band sits down on his stool and starts to hit the drums a bit. It sounds as if he's just getting a feel of them or something, but I still get really excited upon seeing him, because seeing him meant we were close to seeing Austin, and seeing Austin was all I wanted to do at this moment. That's what I'm actually here for! That's what we're all here for!

The electric guitarist walks out and as soon as he's in position, everything goes silent. He starts playing, soon followed by the drummer and a quick "What up." Everyone starts screaming and cheering as Austin Moon comes out as well as the rest of his band.

He starts singing Heard It On The Radio and I feel the music in my chest as his beautiful voice sings. I'm mesmerised as he goes up to the edge of the stage on the left side. I feel a sudden sense of disappointment, but that's quickly erased as he walks across to the right side. He locks eyes with me and smiles, touching my outstretched hand before moving further back on the stage.

The crowd starts to sing along with him and I clutch onto Elliot's arm for dear life as Austin looks at me again. At least I think he looks at me. I freaking hope he looked at me.

* * *

Whoa guys, we're almost at 1k reads/views with this story. Keep it up!
Dedicated to omgrauslly because she's a whiny little bitch. Jk, I love you.
Until next time, babes.

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