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"Naruto, you haven't mentally matured at all, have you?" Iruka sighed, placing a hand to his head feeling a head ache coming on. It wasn't that he didn't miss the blonde, he really did. It's just that Naruto was always so loud.

Sakura growled mentally, smashing the blonde on his head to silence him. "Sorry Sensei!" She squeaked. "I'll sort him out!"

"The third was more sensible..." Naruto grumbled. Tsunade handed Kakashi the mission then responded. "What did you say?!"

Realizing this situation was going to get out of hand rather quickly Sakura grabbed Naruto around the neck to silence him. "Hey! Calm down!" She shouted.

"It's bad! Fifth!" Shizune's voice yelled from outside the door which she then slammed open and leaned on to calm her raging breaths. "What is it? You're so loud." Tsunade spoke, assuming Shizune was just being dramatic... again.

Shizune stood straight. "Suna's Kazekage has been captured by an organisation called the Akatsuki! We just received the message!"

Everyone had similar reactions, anger. Then one thought went through all their heads; 'Mizuken...' Tsunade and Sakura, being the only ones who knew the truth, couldn't help but wishing Mizuken could of somehow avoided this happening but knew that if she even tried, she would probably die.

"Right," Tsuande spoke, flicking a thick blonde bang from out of her eyes. "Team 7, I will tell you your new mission."

- - Miles and miles away...


"I was just informed we have captured the Kazukage." Itachi spoke out of no where, freezing in the middle of his step. I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach and couldn't help the guilt that accompanied it.

Kisame, seeing my guilt, felt the need to speak up, "You couldn't have helped him, Hime." I sighed and nodded, acknowledging that yes, I know that. "Are we being called in for the sealing now?" Kisame added, looking at Itachi.

"Hai, let us find higher ground." He said.

Once we had found some higher ground we performed the correct seals and fazed into the sealing cave. You're probably wondering, why the hell are you there Mizuken? Well, Leader said I should come to observe so that if something goes wrong, they'll have me as a back up.

Eight members fazed onto the finger tips of the ugly sealing statue. Deidara and Sasori jumped up and joined them while I stepped back into the shadows to observe. I couldn't help myself from looking at Gaara. I felt my face form into an emotionless mask to hide the pain and guilt I felt.

I can only hope that those who come as a rescue won't be Team 7.

"Now, let us begin." Leader's deep voice boomed and I felt myself ready for the agonizingly boring hours to come.

- -

My attention span must of faded because it wasn't long until someone approached. "An enemy from Konoha is approaching out hide out. He seems to be very skilled, his name is Maito Gai." Zetsu spoke, he had been using his real body to keep a look out.

"Who is that?" Leader asked, looking at Itachi and myself for and explanation. "He's a jounin from Konoha that uses taijutsu." I spoke up. "He's very talented, so take care not to underestimate him." Itachi added.

Kisame seemed to remember him because he chuckled suddenly. "That bizarre beast eh?" I laughed slightly despite the tense situation and sealing going on.

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