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"hey mother."

lucien clutched the phone in his hands nervously, trying not to drop it and make the line go dead.

"good morning lucien. i trust that you have been doing well in your job?" her sharp voice stung the spy in his stomach. there was no going back now. he'd have to explain everything to his mother.

"yes, i believe so. listen mother, i have to tell you something."

she cleared her throat and waited for him to continue speaking.

"we are fighting robots, as of now. and over the course of time, i have taken a liking towards another person."

"oh, what a pleasure. how is she? does she share your interest in fashion and knives?"

lucien swallowed, the sarcasm in his mother's voice blatantly obvious like a lie. she knew there were hardly any women in the battlefield, and the majority of the people he came into contact with were men.

"mother, you know everything, don't you?"

"why wouldn't i? i used to be a spy myself, my dear. now, why don't you back away from your beloved sniper boyfriend and actually be an honour to this family line? because i will, i repeat, i will take drastic measures if you don't do as i say."

merde, lucien thought to himself. what am i supposed to do now?

"mother, please do not be hasty. drastic measures are not needed for this situatio--"

"how dare you speak to me like this, lucien? i am your mother and you should heed every word i say."

"mother, please. i am your son, not your slave."

at the other end of the line, she burst out in anger.

"lucien, what has become of you? ever since you've started dating that disgusting australian, you've become rebellious."

"he is not disgusting. maybe being rebellious is the way i should be."

"lucien, wha--"

"au revoir, mother."

before she could let out a squawk of protest, lucien hung up and took in a deep breath. now that this arduous process was over, he had other things to do.

like spend time with 'his sniper boyfriend', as so warmly coined by his mother over the line.

right at that moment, lucien heard knocks at his door.

"come in."

willy pushed open the door, his hand on the door handle.

"so, uhh...i heard everything. i didn't mean to eavesdrop though."

"it's okay. if i had the chance i would've blared it through a loudspeaker anyway."

the sniper laughed, but fell silent almost immediately.

"what's wrong, willy? you don't seem your normal self."

"what your mom said...are we really dating now?"

"unless you plan on flying back to australia after this war, i don't see why not." lucien smiled.

willy heaved a sigh of relief. "thank god, i thought you would 'uphold your family's name' or something like that."

"don't be silly. come here for a while."
willy sat lucien into his lap and they kissed for a while, unconscious moans travelling from one side to another.

"i needed this so badly." lucien sighed.

"speaking of which, isn't it time you showed me your face? it must be bloody hot underneath that mask."

fuck, lucien thought. i've never showed my real face to anyone, let alone willy.

"willy, wait." he grabbed his wandering hands and held them tightly.

"what's the problem?"

"i--i just never took off my mask for a very long time. it's...unnatural now."

"well, is it natural for a red and blu guy to be dating?"

lucien stifled a laugh, releasing willy's hands and allowing them to take off his mask.

"well, how is it?" lucien felt a rush of cold air hit his face, like a slap. but oh god, he craved for the time when he could finally reveal his true self to someone he loved.

"oh fuck." willy mumbled. "you're...bloody gorgeous, love."

"seriously?" lucien could feel the strands of dyed hair fall down his face, and willy swept them to the side.
"i could kiss that face all day."

lucien blushed. he could feel willy's loving gaze stare at him and his complex features, trying to take all of it in at once.

"when did i become so lucky to get someone so beautiful?"

"stop complimenting me. it's making me nervous." lucien could feel his heart speed up. he held a hand over willy's chest and noticed it was the same speed as his.

"nah, mate. i can't take my eyes off you now."

"you're quite lame, you know that?"

"yeah." willy grinned and kissed lucien on the forehead. "you've never failed to remind me."

deception and lies - sniper x spyWhere stories live. Discover now