Chapter 3: I'm Sorry

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes in the kitchen. The first thing that came to my mind, Kendall is making breakfast for the kids and I. I walked into the kitchen and then I remembered my mom was here.

Mom: Good morning darling.

Alexis: Good morning.

Mom: Are you feeling better today?

Alexis: A little, Kendall ain't up yet. But I am kind of scared.

Just then Kendall walked in.

Mom: Good morning Kendall!

Kendall: Good morning Sheri.

The kids were still in bed, and Kendall didn't say one word to me. He just hugged my mom and went to the livingroom as he got some pancakes.

Alexis: Wow. He's still pissed.

Mom: Do you blame him?

Alexis: What are you saying?

Mom: Lexi, the fact that he knows James could be the father of the baby you might be pregnant with, probably upsets him because he loves the living hell out of you.

Alexis: Who's side are you on?

Mom: You know damn well that I don't take sides. I just tell the truth.

From Kendall:

Your appointment is in an hour. Are you ready?

To Kendall:

You mean your actually going?

From Kendall:

Yup, but I don't forgive you.

We walked outside and to my surprise, James was there. Kendall and James sat in front. Mom and I sat in the back. Jade watched the kids. On the way to the hospital, not one of us said a word.

When we arrived at the hospital, we ran into North.

Alexis: Hey girl, what are you doing?

North: Mamaw Kris is in the er. She is sick.

Alexis: Well, I'll check on her before I leave, but first I need to check on something.

North: Thank you Alexis!

She hugged me. Then me, mom, Kendall, and James walked in the room.

I went through the proceger for an ultrasound.

We saw two bodys on the screen. Im having twins again.

After we saw the kids we went and checked on Kris.

Mom: Is she okay?

Kim: Well she was just diagnosed.

Alexis: with what?

Cliffhanger and awwwwww): next chapter will be emotional possibly. Just vote and commeny

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