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It was Inspector Martin who broke the news to Philips. He tried not to stare at him too speculatively as he sat on the sofa opposite.

"You'll be glad to know," he began, "that you are now completely cleared from suspicion in the Gordon murder case. We've got the man who did it. He broke down last night and confessed the lot. He didn't have much choice actually as he was caught red-handed trying to kill another girl in the same way. Luckily this one was able to fight back. She'll be alright in a day or so, apart from the shock, of course."

Philips' initial relief was replaced by doubt. Why was it Martin who was telling him this? Why not Harper; where was he? They hadn't framed him for this, had they?

"Who was it?"

"The girl was Anne Willis. Her attacker was a chap called Frank Marker. Know either of them?"

"No!" Philips shook his head in relief.

Martin smiled knowingly, "I thought you'd be glad to hear that. It seems as if last night was an attempted repeat of the earlier crime. He'd been dating the girl, she found someone else more attractive, told him so and he set out to 'teach her a lesson'. He tried to get rid of her boyfriend in the same way as he got rid of you, but this chap had some warning and put up a fight. That gave the girl a chance to call us and we got there just in time. The boy was nearly throttled to death, but he'll be okay. It turns out this was a lot happier story than last time."

Philips nodded. It certainly was. He felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. As soon as Inspector Martin left, he would ring Bill and they could go out and celebrate.


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