<3 Love Comes Naturaly <3

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This is my first fan fic so don't be to judge mental. I love writing stories so I decided I'd give this a try. lol :)

Chapter 1......

It was just a normal summer afternoon for Briana, Bridget, and Jillian. They were just drinking lemonade listening to One Direction. Out of nowhere Bridget said, "This is the summer something exciting ?happens to us I can feel it! We are going to meet One Direction, I just know it!""Ya rite like that's ever going to happen, maybe in our dreams!!" Briana said. "Don't be so negative I think Bridget's rite something amazayn is going to happen this summer I can feel it too!" Jill said  

"Don't go getting your hopes up guys I don't want you guys to be too disappointed when nothing at all happens except the usual boring stuff this summer." Briana said.  

"Your always so negative Briana why don't you try and be more like Bridget, outgoing and positive!" Jill said raising her voice a little. "I am positive; positive that nothing exciting is going to happen to us this summer, and we are NOT repeat NOT going to meet One Direction!" Briana said raising her voice back. "Guys just STOP, I was just saying I think this summer is going to be different no need to fight!" Bridget said angrily. "Sorry Bridget!" Jill and Briana said at the same time.

Chapter 2  

(Briana's P.O.V)

I got up off the bench and started walking towards the park. I thought to myself maybe Bridget and Jill are rite, I am to negative all the time! As I sat down on the swing I told myself this is the summer I change! I'm going to be more positive. Maybe this summer something exciting will happen for me and my friends. When I started to swing Jill and Bridget walked up behind me and asked why I left. " You guys are rite I am too negative it's time I try to be more positive and have fun!" I told them. "Bri you don't have to change for us we like you for you." Jill said. "Ya your the one that keeps is in check!" Bridget said. "I'm not changing for you guys I'm doing this for me! I wanna be more fun!" I told them.

Chapter 3  

(Bridget's P.O.V)

I never meant for this to happen I didn't want her to go and change! I just thought we could have a fun exciting summer! She don't have to change who she is;we need her to be the responsible one in our group. I gotta go talk to Jill.  

(Jill's P.O.V)  

Man I wonder what Briana's gonna do. I wish I would have never told her to be more like Bridget! She don't have or need to change. We need her to be responsible in our group! She keeps us in check an out of trouble.  

Just then there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and it was Bridget. "Jill we need to talk," Bridget said with a worried face. "I know I was just about to call you," Jill replied. "What are we going to do about Briana?" "I don't want her to change we need someone to be responsible in our group!" Bridget said. "I know I know, but she feels like she needs to be more fun, maybe we should just let her do what she's gunna do and go from there." Jill said. "Maybe your rite this could be a good thing." Bridget answered. Then Bridget left. After Bridget left I decided to text Briana. She texted me back and told me to meet her in the park rite now. She said she texted Bridget the same thing.

Chapter 4  

(Briana's P.O.V)

I couldn't wait for Jill and Bridget to get to the park! I wanted to know what they were going to think about my new appearance. I had gone out and dyed my dirty blonde a bright red splat color, and I got my lip pierced. I couldn't wait to see my friends reactions! The first to arrive was Jill I was hiding behind a slide waiting to surprise her. Just as I went to pop out Bridget walked up. "Where is she?" Bridget asked. "I don't know." Jill replied. "Ok guys are you ready for me to come out and show you the surprise?" I asked. "yess!" they both said in unison. Just then I popped out from behind the slide. Their faces were shocked! "Guys say something," I said starting to feel nervous about my new look. "You look amazing I love that hair color and you got your lip pierced!" Bridget yelled. "Ya you look awesome cool lip ring!" Jill agreed. "Thanks guys I wanted a new look to match my new out look on life," I said

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