Dreamy Nightmare

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Come little children~

I hear these lyrics every night yet when I wake no one is singing.Not a soul in my village is at work nor awake. I asked around but not a single being knew.Of course no one would tell me the truth for I was an orphan who was never to be loved by any.More and more distant to others,for I never like the daytime.

I'll take thee away~

Days continued to pass and the song began to come closer and closer.I had made a hard decision to sleep with wax in my ears yet the voice found it's way to my head.My dress was gray with long sleeves and I myself was at the age of eight. Green emerald eyes flashed open for the lyrics again followed me into the night.

Into a land of enchantment~

As I walked through the village, a boy came and followed.I rolled my eyes at the boy's movement.But the next thing I see is other misfit children trailing not far behind me.However they soon departed from my backside.

Come little children the times come to play~

Nights came faster in the winter and I found many outcasts stared at me as if I was to help them in some kind of way.Entering a large city known for the sun's light and fair princess ruler,the children followed me everywhere my feet led them,even in the daylight hours.

Here in my garden of shadows~

A celebration of the sun came that same day.Bright colors were woven in and about the city homes and streets.The children who walked along with me began speaking to me asking my name.

"What is your name miss?"a young girl wearing ragged brown clothes said.

"Wait why do you wish to know a orphan's name when I am nothing to you?"I was appalled by her asking my name for not even outcasts spoke to one another.

"Please we all wish to know,"other children whined. As I let out a sigh I calmly whispered,"Whisper Dream." A flood of mumbles flowed among the group,without another sound they left me in a crowed city street with some one staring at me.A guard in and sunset uniform glazed at me for an hour and then sped for the white castle laying in the center of the lightly shaded town.

Follow sweet children,I'll show thee the way~

Just turning around I heard a yell from the street close to the castle entrance.Racing over to the alley a man ran away covered in blood.As I slowed to a stop a little girl lie half dead on the stone ground.Quickly I bent down and whispered to her to relax. Looking down at the huge gash in her abdomen, I knew that there was no hope in saving her.Blood flowed onto the stones that made the walkway.Tears of what pain she must be feeling slapped my face,for she never deserved this.

"Miss Whisper...*cough* Please don't cry for me*cough* I know I'll see your garden of shadows,"she couldn't stop coughing not even to tell me these words I did not understand.

Slowly I sang the song that had been torturing my nights to her.A smile came to her face and she gasped out her name before she went limp in my arms.

Through all the pain and the sorrow~

I carried her to the cemetery finding a unused burial hole.I slowly cried more for Marie was only a follower of my mysterious group of youngsters.I couldn't believe someone would kill someone as innocent as Marie.

'I will get the princess to help these kids whether it kills me.'

Weep not poor children,for life is this way~

A guard route came through the kingdom.I jumped in front of the white colored coach which the princess was being paraded about in. Guards leaped off the back of the carriage, quick to draw their swords at my presence.Not even flinching at their movement I yelled,"How dare you parade about as if no crime has befell your "Perfect" city?A child has been slain among your valley,yet you remain happy?!? What foolish behavior for such a wisely daughter of a king?"

Surprised about the notion I claimed the door to the brilliant coach opened.

"You say a child has been slain in my kingdom what a lie that is!No one has been killed on this holy land in decades!"A female who looked as if she were dead climbed out with her pink eyes full of anger and insolent.

"You dare to lie to your own people saying 'No there is no such violence', when here before me stand guards prepared to kill me?!? What a fake you are!I see that the outcasts,misfits ,and orphans seek me out for they believe in truth and not of the hypocritical acts you and your people of the kingdom commit to!"

"Oh and you?What of you and these castaways hmm?They hold to a legend that is not to come true!You are as frond as the people who you are accusing!"

With the princess' last remark I turned and muttered,"You and all those who are not believing in that prophecy shall not see my gardens of shadows."

Murdering beauty and passion~

The night came with the group of social outcasts.They sat next to me and began to hum the song of the night.My song....They did not gaze at one another but as one part ended another would begin.Without a word I stood up and began to dance through the dirt covered streets. Lights flickered and then darkness engulfed the sight of me.Moonlight shined on the windows of the children who have been unknown of the struggle between good and evil. As my song replayed the adults who had turn from the truth and only relied on the lies fell into a deep sleep.

Hush now dear children~

It must be this way~

Too weary of life and exceptions~

Rest now my children,for soon we'll away~

As the moonlight hit the faces of the young ones they awoke with a gentle smile and climbed out of their beds.The windows opened and doors creek open for the children to come into the midnight sky.

Into the calm and the quiet~

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ~

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ~

Come little children~

I'll take thee away~

Into a land of enchantment~

Come little children ,the time's come to play~

When the children joined in the dancing I smiled and with no doubt about any of them we disappeared without a trace into the moon lit sky.

Here in my garden of shadows~

Fin......This song is not mine...

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