Chapter 6: Expert Class

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Chapter 6: Expert Class



- Zach's POV -

The Arena was located in an outdoor section of the Weaponry Wing, set out a bit like a Colosseum, with sandstone stairs set out like seats. It was huge; able to fit at least 500 spectators.

There were an amazing amount of people doing Swordsmanship as their main course. The Colosseum was nearly half full. Once everyone was seated, the head swords training department, Mr Kingston. He was a buff man with a hard expression. He had to crouch down to reach the podium.

"Greetings, new students. I'm sure many of you are looking forward to use your weapons-" He was interrupted by cheers from the crowd.

"Quiet!" He yelled, the microphone magnifying the sound so it made my eardrums want to explode.

"Continuing on, this year, like every other year, you will split into four groups for the semester," He said, drawing the attention of the crowd.

"Beginners, Intermediate, Expert and Master. So far, only three students have ever made it into Master class. Including me." He added as he flexed his muscles.

"Today, we will be testing you and placing you into groups. These groups can change throughout the semester, so no slacking off training.

"My accomplice, Mr Belgium, will be taking a third of you. Mrs Philips will take another third. The rest of you will be taken by me. We'll spilt the groups with these lines."

He pointed down rows of the arena, creating about even groups. "Left, go with Mr Belgium. Right, with Mrs Philips. And middle, with me." Mr Kingston grinned evilly. Damn, looks like I was stuck with the sadist trainer.

There were about seventy of us, all eager to begin testing. Mr Kingston explained how he would separate the better from the rest; with a lot of pain. Didn't sound to appealing.

A lot of the morning was spent with independent duels and a lot of finals. Our group didn't have too many good fighters; mainly me and another boy, Ethan whats-his-name. So in the end, it came down to a 'grand final' between me and this boy. Actually no one seemed to have realized that I was Zach Dare, the best swordsman in East Minecraftia. This kid was going down.

I walked up to him, sword at the ready. He had blonde hair a similar shade to mine, but his eyes were a creepy purpley-violet. I was well aware with seventy pairs of eyes watching us.

"State your names." Mr Kingston asked.

"Ethan Hawley." The boy said, gripping his sword tighter.

"Zachary Dare." I said (possibly smugly) and listened to the gasps and excited whispers from around me.


We slammed swords and I measured his strength. He had a medium build but his arms were strong. I just hoped he wasn't quick on his feet. I pushed him back, and took a few deep breathes. With a battle yell, the boy ran forward, eyes blazing, sword raised. I deflected his blade and made a couple of quicks hits of my own. Panting, I realized I had underestimated this fighter. He charged a second time, but I was able to knock him down, sword at his throat. His eyes still held that battle fire.

"Oh, you are so dead, Dare." But I just pushed the tip of my blade closer to his neck. He gasped, looking more angry than a forest of aggressive wolves.

"Alright, end of fight." Mr Kingsley said, clapping his hands together. "Congratulations, Dare, Hawley. You're both in Expert class. First ones today to make it, too."

I grinned and brought down my sword. I offered my hand out to Ethan, who was still lying on his backside. He grabbed my hand, but instead of letting me help him up, he pretty much judo-flipped me so I was looking up at the sky, lying on the gravel.

"Rule number one, Dare. If you make me mad, I will hurt you badly." And he stalked off.

"Great show, boys. Everyone, three hours are up, and now it's time for lunch break."


- Nya's POV -

(this is like, during Zach's level testing and stuff)

"Care to explain that, Miss Analove?" Mr Slayer inquired, voice low.

"Ah haha, yes, um, you see, I have this... Special technique... To prevent myself from falling, and it kinda makes me look like I'm floating midair... Yeah, that's it." I say, trying to keep my voice from shaking. Mr Slayer raised an eyebrow.

"And how does this technique work, Nya?" I gulped.

"Well, you see, I tie a piece of tripwire to each jump, so if I fall, I fall much slower than normal." I lied, my brain working overtime.

"Ah, so you have a piece of tripwire to show us then, do you?" Mr Slayer asked me. Seriously, did he want me to get caught out?

I looked through my jeans pockets, wishing like hell there was some loose string hidden inside. Notch must've been on my side, because there was a strip of tripwire in the depths of my back pocket.

"Here, sir." I handed him the string. He brought it up to his face, as if inspecting it for damage. He looked back down at me and gave me a disbelieving glare before speaking to the rest of the class, "She's telling the truth; this really is an interesting tactic. Thank you for sharing this with us, Miss Analove."

I tried to cover up my bitter sweet relief. The other students looked at me like I was abnormal, and I personally didn't blame them. If you met someone who floated while falling and then made up a crazy lie to hide it, I'm sure you'd stay away from them. I know I would.

Well, since Mr Slayer tested us from reverse roll-order, I had been the last one to try it. Which meant moving on to the next challenge.

"Now, I'll be wanting to test out your accuracy. You have three arrows; each layer of the target gives a different amount of points. The centre is twenty points. Shoot straight."

Oh, don't worry. I plan to.


Yeah, two different POVs in the chapter :)

Special thanks to EthanGoesMC for Ethan Hawley (characters must be between 18-23, so I changed his age)

Hope you enjoyed ;D

- Jazz

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