Love is still love

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- Love Is Still Love

Love, love, love. What does love really means? Does it means you want to stay with this person forever or are you just odsess over this particular person? There are many different types of love, one, love for money, love for self use, love for looks or love for real.

As for fans over Idols, most 'love' used is obsession. As for okay and not so poor people, 2 possiblities , love for money or love for real.

You cant really tell between different types of love, but most of them are obvious. As for me, mine would be love for real but people believe its love for obsession, but, i, object and its love for real, its final.

Back to the topic, i think that love takes up almost 60% of your life. Only reason for that is that because the person you love and going to marry will determine your future.

According to help of my friends, they also believe that love is strong enough to change a person's mind, change a person, change decisions, love is also able to be broken easily, unless its too strong.

To tell the true, i am not sure if my father will object to my decisions, but for the sake of what i love and need, i believe he will give in to me.

Jealousy is not real love- according to fortune love app. I do not believe that as i believe most girlfriends or boyfriends will definitely get angry if they know when their loves are with others. Not doing the right thing.

I am very serious about this. So please hold onto what you already have.

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