Where are the words of worth?
Who makes them matter?
Are they buried in our secret being?
What gives them such special meaning?The moment we wake into life.
We open our books and start to write.
Whether it be dark or light.
We flip back and forth through the chapters of our life.
Past, Present, Future.
Scribbling through scenes of the past.
And putting pitiful on part of the present.When the future arrives we think our hands are ready.
To create meaning and purpose that will last.
But the hands do not remain steady.
Ink has spread over the pages way too fast.
And time again makes its strike.
Of showing that neither the minute or hour.
Seems to reveal any power.
And life once more feels worthless.
Maybe even a mistake.
And one will wonder how much more bruised bio books.
Can truly take.We have our bookmarks thinking if we could just go back.
But it's more important there are pages that do not lack.
Any words.Words of Wisdom are found in Worlds of Waste.
Words that lack power.
Definitely does not go by the hour.
But by the moment.
When we decide to breathe meaning into our words.
We recreate what was left to rot.If it is named a word.
It has a name that is priceless.
It also has its limits.
So we can be the leader.Its true power is granted.
To a powerful person.
No matter what word.
It is of value.
To obtain its power.
We must know.
That we were born with it.Speak small.
Shout whats special.
Say the stories.
Tell the tales of life
And what you want life to become."No matter your age.
Still you are permitted to every blank page.
Stain them with every hearty word.
Grant the words their true power as you create your speech.
Let the people decide if they want to take what's strong.
But you will nevertheless be heard.Let life be short if it must.
But make sure your story is long.
Make your mistakes.
But put worth into your words.
And even at the time of death.
Their power cannot be proved wrong."