3. Disturbia

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Camila's POV

C: We were having dinner when someone knocked on the door and it was one of her whores

D: sounds like someone body's jealous

C: I'm not! I just think it's stupid how she can't stop being a fuckboy

D: Mila, you still have feelings with her, just admit it. There is nothing wrong with that

C: I don't!

D: I'm the captain and I can confirm that my ship hasn't sunk, you two still have feelings for each other

C: no we don't!

D: mhmm, whatever. I gotta go mani needs help planing the wedding and wants my opinion on something

C: alright, I'll call you later. Bye

I hung up and sighed tossing my phone on the bed. Sometimes I hated it how right Dinah was.

I refused to admit it but I did still have feelings for Lauren. I guess I think that if I deny it enough that eventually it'll be true. Yesterday when I saw the lipstick stains on Lauren, I wanted to kill the whore who did that to Lauren.

I crawled into bed and closed my eyes, I just wanted to sleep. When I was finally getting comfortable and about to sleep, I woken up by the sound of thunder.

Even though I was twenty-five years old I was still scared of thunderstorms. I got out of bed and left the room. I could hear the sound of the TV so I walked towards the living room.

There sat Lauren in nothing but some adidas black shorts and a white t-shirt with the sleeves rolled. She was watching a movie. I just stood there not knowing what to do. During a commercial break Lauren got up and grabbed a bowl.

"You aren't very sneaky." She buckled looking at me

"How'd you know I was standing here?" I asked

"I heard your door and I heard you walking here and it's thundering so I thought you would come out of your room," she explained "You can watch with me if you want."

"What are you watching?" I asked sitting on the couch

"Disturbia." She answered returning to the couch

"I think I watched it once with you." I said

"Probably, I like the movie." She sat down

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier." I apologized

"It's alright." She answered "You were jealous."

"I was not!" I lied

"Mhmm okay." She chuckled

"I wasn't!" I repeated

"I always thought you were hot when you got jealous." She smirked

"You're such a fuckboy." I rolled my eyes

"You call me that so much I think you've forgotten my name." She chuckled

"I haven't, Lauren." I said

"Wrong, it's daddy." She smirked "Remember. Fuck, daddy! Daddy!" She moaned imitating me

"I hate you so damn much," I rolled my eyes again

"That's not what you told daddy." She teased

"I hate you." I crossed my arms

"I love messing with you, babe." Lauren laughed "Smile, babe."

"No," I pouted

"Come on, turn that frown upside down." She tried to turn my frown into a smile

"No." I repeated

"Fine, you asked for it." She tickled me

"Lauren! Stop it!" I laughed

"Call me daddy," she smirked tickling me

"N-No," I laughed

"Call me daddy and I'll stop."

"No," I laughed again and accidentally kicked her in the balls

"Fuck!" She whimpered

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I sat up

"It's fine." Her voice cracked

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked

"You could kiss it better?" She suggested with a smirk

"I'm not sorry you deserved that for being a fuckboy." I rolled my eyes

"I'm sorry." She apologized chuckling

After that she'd calmed down and we watched the movie. We sat in a comfortable silence. Every time I'd hear thunder I'd jump and scoot closer to Lauren. Her arm ended up around me while I was cuddled into her side.

Soon when the movie had ended we were heading to bed. It was still thundering though.

"You can sleep in my bed if you want, I promise I won't try anything." Lauren said

"Okay." I nodded following her into her bedroom

I put a couple of pillows between us just to make sure she stays on her side.

"Good night, Camila." Lauren yawned

"Good night, Lauren." I smiled

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