Chapter 8

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'We're leaving in an hour! Why haven't you packed your stuff yet?!' Taylor exclaims as he walks out of Samantha's room. 'It isn't that hard, is it?!' He adds as he storms through the hallway. 'Hey, hey,' Gaga stops him just by holding one hand against his chest. 'Take it easy,' she softly tells him. 'I know you get stressed about this stuff. Why don't you get Annabelle dressed and fed, and let me take this from here.' She softly caresses his arm and he seems to relax a little. 'Thank you,' he mutters. He leans in and softly kisses her.

Gaga then walks into Samantha's room and looks at her daughter, who is on the verge of tears. 'I'm trying, mom! It's just- I just..' She sighs deeply as she throws a few dresses into her suitcase. She turns her back to Gaga when she grabs a few shirts out of her closet. She doesn't turn back and Gaga quietly approaches her. 'You know how your dad gets, Sammy. Don't worry about it.' She softly caresses her daughter's back and Samantha turns and tightly hugs Gaga.

'Mom?' Chris knocks and walks into the room. 'I need some help because I think I've got everything but I'm not sure.' Gaga faintly smiles and strokes a hand through Samantha's long, blonde hair. 'Alright, Sam?' She asks and when her daughter nods against her chest, she lets go and follows Christopher to his room. She looks into his suitcase and folds a few shirts a little more neatly. 'Seems alright, good job Chris!' She smiles at her son. 'You can throw in a few more shirts in there and I think you forgot your swimming trunks, but you packed everything else.'

'Okay, cool!' Christopher smiles. Gaga quickly kisses the top of his head and then she walks to the room of her eldest son. 'How's it going here?' She asks while leaning against the doorpost. 'Hm?' Joseph looks up from his phone. He is sitting on the edge of his bed and there is no visible act of packing going on in his room. He smirks when he sees Gaga's questioning look. 'I'm done already,' he smiles at her. 'I started last night and just threw the last things in this morning. I know how stressed dad can get so I thought it would be better to finish fast.' He grins and Gaga laughs softly. 'I'm sure he'll appreciate that. Good job Joey.'

Not too long after that, Taylor pushes the last suitcase in the trunk of their car. 'I'm glad that this part is over.' He sighs softly and then smiles at Gaga. She leans against the side of the car and grins at him. 'Now relax, honey.' She approaches him and lightly wraps her arms around his neck. 'Since when are you the one telling me to relax?' He grins and quickly kisses her. 'I'm never the one who gets stressed to go on a holiday.' Gaga sticks her tongue out and giggles.

Taylor wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her a little closer to him. 'No, but you're the one stressing about everything else,' he teases her and she smiles at him. 'Fine, we're even,' she softly kisses Taylor. 'Mom! Dad! What's taking so long?!' Christopher pokes his head out of the car window and looks at his parent. 'I wanna go to France!' He adds. 'Yes!' They hear Samantha agree from inside the car. They laugh and softly kiss again before they get into the car with their kids.

'Darlings, settle down!' Gaga softly laughs. They are flying with her private jet, an experience her kids haven't had that often yet. They are running around and it was fun for an hour, but now it's driving her crazy. 'Listen to me, okay?' They all quiet down and sit around her. 'I know this is exciting, but it's gonna be a long flight. Besides that, it's getting late and it might be a good idea to get some sleep so you won't feel too jetlagged once we get there.' Her kids nod and she smiles at them. 'I love you, sweeties.' She tells them.

Hours later, all the kids and Taylor are sleeping. Gaga tried too, for a while. Safely wrapped up in Taylors arms, eyes closed, but unfortunately she couldn't get any further than that. She has unwrapped herself from Taylor's arms and sat down next to a window. She loves looking over the clouds and sometimes spotting little lights in the distance. It calms her down and she starts dozing off in her seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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