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  As I walked through the busy streets of Seattle, I jammed out to my music playing 'Sweater Weather' by: The Neighbourhood, blaring in my beats head phones. Making my way through the crowds of pedestrians, I soon found my high school, the dark bricks, eroding away from the many rainfall of this town.

  My best friend Nikki, met me at the front gate, us walking together in the jail that we had been dreading to see again after the long, sweet, summer, that we now miss. "Do you think any new kids will be at school this year?" Nikki asked in her squeeky, yet adult like voice. "I hope not, we don't need any more, this school is packed enough."

  Nikki and I soon split up to go to our new lockers, still small to barely fit my bag. After I finished decorating my locker, I grabbed a binder and my pencil case, last but not least my class schedule. First class, Science, in room 503, with Mr. Edward, sounds fun at the least. Science is my least favorite subject, especially in the mornings, but I hope I'll have some fun people in my class.

  I made my way into the lab, lit only with the rainy sky from outside, a little lamp also illuminating little light. I sat in the back, next to the large bay window. More people filled the room, and finally I realized everyone seemed boring. A person with curly, brown, locks sat next to me, great a new kid, fun! I thought sarcastically. Luckily, he never made eye contact.

  A short, chubby, gray man walked in wearing large, old glasses. "G'mornin class! I am your new teacher, Mr. Edward. Now, before we discuss a little bit of what we're gonna do in class, I have a couple of people I would like to introduce, and while they talk about them selves, we will be respectful and listen. Okay first, let's have Ameera introduce herself, please, go ahead and come up front."

  A skinny girl with long, curly, red hair, pale skin, and freckles stood up and went to the front of the class. "H-hello, my name is Ameera, but you can call me A-Amee for short." The teacher smiled and looked at everyone else, "does anyone have questions for Amee?" I looked at the girl with the raised hand, Anna. "Yeah, I have a question, where do you get your clothes? From the dollar store? Haha!"

  Everyone in class started laughing except for me, the teacher, Amee, and the curly brunette next to me. "I have a question too!" I yelled over their laughter, anger filling me. Everyone stopped to stare at me. "This question is for Anna." She raised a drew on eyebrow at me, "you might want to check your bra, honey. Is that some toilet paper hanging out of your bra? Oops, secrets out..."

  I covered my 'O' shaped mouth with my hand, and sat back down in my seat as everyone did the 'ooo' noise. I heard a muffle of laughter next to me, and I turned to be greeted by green eyes. As I blushed, I turned away to see Amee's expression, which was full of a mixture of happiness, and sadness.

  "Alright, enough! Now, Amee, you may take a seat, and Robert, your up next." The curly brunette next to me stood up and walked up front. He smiled coolly at everyone, and girls began to grow hearts in their eyes as I rolled my eyes and made a noise of disgust. Great, another victim for Anna. "Hey, I'm Robert Sheehan, but you can call me Rob. I just moved from Ireland, and I hope I get to know all of you." Robert's eyes contacted with my blue gaze, and I looked away again, with bright pink covering my face, a smirk covering his.

  "Alright, let's ask him questions, but nothing rude, okay?" Anna giggled and asked "can I get in your pants?" She winked at him, and he shivered in discomfort. "Enough questions let's discuss class!" The teacher said quickly, and Robert sat down, still staring at me, but I ignored him, yet it was my turn to shiver in discomfort.

  Class soon ended after a long, presentation of class room rules, about himself, and about what we will be doing this year in science. Once that bell rang, I shot up from my seat, and tried to get passed through the crowd, away from Robert. The crowd was too large, and it was taking, what seemed like forever to fit through the door.

  At the moment when I was ready to burst away from the annoying class, a cold, rough, hand grabbed my shoulder. "Wait!" That fimiliar accent caught my attention, and a noise of disgust left my mouth. "You do remember what I said earlier, right?" I sighed, rolling my eyes, and answered his question, arms crossed across my chest. "No, I don't believe I do." I answered, attitude coating my voice.

  "I was looking directly at you when I said I want to get to know ALL of YOU..." His large hand still gripped my shoulder firmly. My heart thumped a bit in my chest, until I realized he means, to get to know ALL of MY body. I pushed his hand roughly off my shoulder, and said with more attitude, "sorry, but I'm not someone's play toy... If you really want to get into some random girls pants, then ask Anna. She'll be all for it, and for free too."

  I walked away in disgust, meeting my friends in the midst of the small crowded hallway. Abbie, Jake, Nikki, and I all walked to Drama, our next class, in which we have together. Sadly, we can't choose our classes and I know, they put drama as our class to bring us more hell.

  We entered the large dark room, crouded with theatre chairs, and a large stage amongst them. Every student was crowded around the teacher, Mrs. Crow, she explained herself, and more class rules, followed by the events we will be doing. Then, the double doors bursted open, and the familiar mop of curls came over to us. We were already on stage preparing for a new drama to greet the new 9th graders. Mrs. Crow, and Robert talked on the side, something about why he was late, but I don't care.

  I'm really pissed he has another class with me, and turns out, we have every class together, except for next hour, which is math. It's a big relief, trust me, he is an, ass wipe butt face, and I hate him with a passion.

  For the rest of the day its the same thing with introduction, class rules, and explanation of class work, and such. I feel like today was like forever, but really, only seven hours of pure torcher. As I made my way out of the locker section, I bump into Jake, who luckily goes the same way home as me. I smile at the tall, tan figure, "hey Jake, what's up!"

  We head out of the glass double doors and I see the pedophile ass wipe butt face. He watches Jake and I carefully, darkness filling his eyes as he smokes his cigarette. Jake finally answers my question as he points up, "nothing but the sky, baby." I giggle at his statement.

  I turn around and see Robert still staring, suddenly he throws his cigarette to the ground and harshly stomps on it, letting out a last breath of smoke. He grabs his bag, and walks the opposite direction of us, and towards football tryouts...

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