Chapter One

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There once was a story about a man on the moon. With him, was a girl, who also lived on the moon. The man on the moon always adored the Sun. He was  awestruck by its radiance. Blinded by its luminescence. So much so that he blindly stares at it, passionately embracing the warmth of the big ball of fire. Day in and day out, it's all he ever thinks about: the Sun.

The girl on the moon has always loved the man on the moon. She loved his appearance. His personality. His intelligence. His strength. His passion. She loved just about everything he has to offer. However, the man on the moon does not pay attention to her, nor does he hold the same feelings for her. He rarely converses with the girl on the moon. When they do converse with each other, he would only speak about the Sun. He never talked much about anything else, and would go away once he's done talking. This pained the girl on the moon.

However, although the girl on the moon wishes for the man to love her, she thinks it's best for the man on the moon to stay with the Sun. Without the Sun, he'll lose his own radiance, as well. And so, she kept quiet about her pain and kept to herself, gazing at the man on the moon from a distance.

One day,  the Sun had disappeared. It hid from the man on the moon when the Earth had came in between, but the man on the moon did not know this. He fell in despair. Anguish. Distress. His whole purpose in life had just disappeared. With no warning whatsoever, his world had halted to a dead stop. Shocked beyond comprehension, the man on the moon became heartbroken. Embracing the emptiness of space, the man on the moon weeps and sobs as he lays down on the moon, letting the void sky's chill seep into his skin.

Before he closes his eyes into oblivion...he feels a warmth. As if something had reached out to him from the depths. Could it be? Has the Sun returned? He hesitantly opens his's the girl. The girl on the moon. Hey eyes were red and her nose was running. She bore a worried expression, holding the man on the moon on her lap.

"Has she always been this warm?" The thought races across the man on the moon's face.

Always basking in the Sun, he believed that everything else in this universe is cold, and that only the Sun can bring warmth to all. It was no mistake, however, that girl has given him a warmth that he had never felt before. The warmth was fragile and scarce, barely sustaining itself within the man on the moon. However, it was all what the man on the moon needed. It was the warmth that he needs to complete his own. The man knew himself that he possessed warmth, but it always felt incomplete. Missing a part of itself. Hollow.

This was why the man on the moon loved the Sun. He felt complete by the Sun's radiance, shining down a warmth that surrounds him whole. But this is different now. He now realizes that the Sun merely masks his missing warmth, just like everything else it shines upon. Because with this girl, he feels so alive. So happy. So...complete.

Embarrassingly, while the man on the moon had thought all this, he caught himself staring at the eyes of the girl on the moon. She had a tall figure. Her brown and messy hair. Her smooth, white skin. Her dark brown eyes...why has he not noticed anything? He blushes uncontrollably, picks himself up and walks away. As he leaves, he notices the girl was also blushing a deep red and covers her face, still kneeling where she had give the man on the moon a lap pillow.

A girl like her has been next to me the whole time? Why have I not noticed this whole time? Why was I so stupid? These thoughts pierce the man on the moon's heart, empathizing with the girl on the moon. To be ignored by the only other person on this moon, she must feel in pain, if not worse.

Hating himself for it, he also hurriedly and awkwardly walks back to the girl on the moon's side. Still covering her face and kneeling, it seems she is weeping now. The girl is in grief. For the man she loves to fall into despair, she risked her own warmth to bring her back, only to be ignored and greeted with silence. Hoping to at least be recognize a little, the girls cries at her own insignificance, hating herself to expect so much. Realizing what he had done, the man on the moon wants to apologize all he can. However, he felt that an apology was not enough for what she had given to him. He knows that it will not be enough. So, he chooses the next best thing.

"T-Thank you."(Man on the Moon)

Awkwardly, he kneels down to the girl on the moon's level, and gives her a hug. A long, comforting, and reassuring hug. Startled and flustered by the man on the moon's actions, she becomes embarrassed and tries to struggle out of his grip. Soon, however, she gives up, and hugs him back. Feeling a warmth she had never felt, the warmth of the man on the moon, she cried on his shoulders and embraced him even tighter.

The near-death experience of the man on the moon. The silence of the man on the moon when he awakens. The sudden gratitude and embrace. It was all so overwhelming. It was too much for her. Unable to hold back, crying on his shoulders, she can't even organize her own feelings straight. She was so happy, and yet scared. Happy that the man is now paying attention to her. Scared that he'll stop looking at her eventually. For now, however, she will enjoy the gift she was given; The man on the moon had finally noticed her.

The man soon let go of the girl, and apologized for everything he had done. He had truly felt bad for all the times he had ignored her, and regrets never noticing her sooner. To the point of crying, the man kneels and asks of her forgiveness. The girl immediately tell him to stop. To not apologize. She is truly happy that the man cares about her that much now, apologizing for his actions. At this point, she doesn't even care; She just wants to be by his side, and love him. She asks of him for just a simple talk, which he gleefully accepts.

"But first! We should learn each other's name."(Girl on the Moon)

"That's true. We don't even know each other's name, huh? Well, my name is Ty. What is your name?"(Ty)

"Keianna. My name is Keianna. What a beautiful name you have, Ty."(Keianna)

"And what a beautiful name you have, too."(Ty)

And so, They eventually made a promise to each other:
"Stay with me."(Keianna)
"Don't leave me."(Ty)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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