Chapter 16

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Astoria's POV

Well she just had to waltz in a ruin everything! Oh my I hate that Arianna! She acts so perfect and innocent but I know her secret.

You may think that, 'Oh Astoria you were so nice and sweet. What happened?' Well that girl has ruined my chance with Luke.

Luke has been my crush forever and now Arianna is here she will corrupt him into a deatheater. Why do these things happen to me ??

Well she better watch out because I'm not taking this lightly. I will have to recruit some people to help me out but the job with be easy.

1st person to recruit is Ron Weasley, he hates the Slytherin Squad especially Emia and Alison. The plan for revenge also includes them.

2nd person is Zacharias Smith, he hates most Slytherins but I saw the was he looked at Arianna, he could help a little

3rd person is Cormac Mclaggen, he is an idiot, but he wants revenge on Luke for embarrassing him in front of his girlfriend.

All these people have something to do with them and they wont rat any of us out. I will owl them the meeting place tomorrow, right now I have to act like I really like everyone here and do it good because they will catch onto anything suspicious.

Emia's POV

Once classes were over for the day, me, Arianna and Alison made our way to the Slytherin Common room when we bumped into no other than Ron Weasley. He gave us all a glare then stormed off. We were surprised at his actions but didn't think much of it. He was probably just upset because of the recent events and we decided to not mention it to the others.

When we got there, we started talking about classes and gossip but then I realized that I had Head Girl duties and sprinted like Usain Bolt towards the Heads Common room. Draco was waiting for me there.

"There you are! You do know you're like half an hour late?"

"Omg I'm so sorry, me, Aria and Ali were talking for so long I lost track of time!"

"It's fine, we only have to patrol tonight but if you were any later I would of started to worry."

We decided to start at the top floor and work our way down. As we started walking we talked about our friends and who they should date.

"Luke and Aria, they are so cute !" I said with excitement.

"What about Astoria?" Draco asked.

"I think she likes someone else but she won't tell us who."

"I think she does, didn't you see her at breakfast. She was giving him these lovey dovey eyes and Blaize saw her drooling over him."

"Ewww thats just gross. But I did see her give Arianna a glare across the table."

"Wonder what she has against her. They basically just met."

We spent of our time just talking and once dealing with a couple of 5th years who were just playing pranks with reminded Emia about The Prank Wars. She made a mental note to tell the girls later. It was 11:30 when they had finished and they made their way back toward the Heads Common room. Emia was so tired she collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep in seconds.


I'm soooooo sorry for not updating in agesss. I have been under alot of stress with my Mock GCSE's coming up and everything else.

I did change Ariannas description and a photo of her is posted at the top. I am obsessed with teen wolf so yeah.

Question of the Chapter:

What's your fav tv show???

Mine is Teen Wolf and The Next Step.

We are at 17.8k guys this mean so much to me and I am truly thankful. I love you all and thank you for sticking with this book xx

Rachelle xx

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