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Will POV

"Mom"  I sputtered  "please don't do this"

 I stumbled backwards tripping over the rug. Tears were slipping down my face, but she didn't care

"Get out, Get out of my house" 

Why couldn't she understand?  "Don't do this mom, you know i'll die out there"

"I SAID GET OUT!" she yelled, her brows scrunched up and her eyes aflame. 

I flipped my blonde hair out of my eyes, looking at my mother one last time. And then turned. And I ran. It was raining, and I didn't have any shoes. 

Its okay, I thought, she'll realize how wrong she is, she'll welcome me back. She has to. I ran for what must have been an hour. I didn't even know where I was going.

slipped and fell onto the woods' floor. Except I didn't land there, i kept falling and falling 

and falling

I lurched forward, gasping for air. It was dark, I couldn't see. My eyes adjusted as my breathing slowed. I looked around to see Nico slumped in the sofa chair. That's right, Nico, my boyfriend. I was in the Apollo cabin. 

I shook my bed sheets off and took the top one to Nico. I set it over him and kissed his sweet head. He was soooooooo cute when he was sleeping, i mean he was cute when he was awake too. He was always cute, and hot. Being careful not to disturb him or the other cabin dwellers i crept outside. I climbed up onto the roof and stared at the sky. It was chilly evening and i shivered in cold sweat. 

I half smiled as familiar hands wrapped around me. 

"Jesus Will, you're drenched" I glanced back to see my beautiful Nico. He took of his jacket and wrapped me in it before plopping down beside me. 

"What happened?"

"Nightmare" it was the only response i could offer

"Do you want to-"

"No" I cut him off. I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to remember it. It was years ago anyway. I felt silly for having dreamed about it.

"Okay sunshine" He took my sweaty hand into his cold one and we stared at the moon.

"You know sometimes I'm not sure who's paler. The man in the moon or you" Nico laughed, I loved it. I loved the sound of his laugh, only I could make him do it. You would think it would be forced and scruffy. But it was so light i bet the Hephaestus kids could build wings from it. 

As finished he laughing I cupped his face and pulled it onto mine. He seemed surprised but relaxed after a moment. For once he was actually warm. I wanted to disappear into that warmth. I felt tears slipping down my face again. I crumpled into Nico's chest. I felt him picking me up and jumping down from the roof. Suddenly we were in the Hades cabin. 

We fell onto his bed. He wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed into his chest. "It's okay, It's okay Will. You're awake now, you're safe" 

I nestled against his shirt. "I know, I know. I just-" He shushed me and pulled me in closer. He smelled like decaying flowers. 

"I have nightmares a lot. Of Tartarus, of dying. I find talking about them better than keeping them bottled up, it makes it easier to realize that they weren't real, just figments of my imagination"

"Really?" I sniffed, "Yeah, but if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine too"


"Yeah Will?"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I must have fell asleep in between the head kisses and whispers of reassurance. 

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