Dad, Stop

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Nico POV

A soft ringing woke me up. I realized it was my phone, no, Will's phone. I don't get messages.

Right, Will.

He was currently on top of me. I wondered what his nightmare was about yesterday, but I didn't want to pry. I should probably wake him up, those messages were probably important. Then again, he had just had a breakdown. I wrung my hand through his soft hair. It was such a beautiful color, unlike mine. Mine was just dull black.

I played with his hair, putting strands of it in braids and then undoing them. He shifted underneath me. "Mhmmh" He rolled over so he was on his stomach and kissed me.

He was warm again. Thank the gods, he had been so cold last night, I thought he was dying. He slid my bomber jacket off and slipped his hands up my shirt. I shuddered and kissed him again. One hand came out of my shirt and tugged at my belt.

Just then Will's phone rang. He flopped off of me, almost falling off the bed, and grabbed his phone from the night stand.


"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm with Nico. No we're not making out! Gross Kayla."

He walked a little and covered his mouth with his hand "okay maybe I was thinking about it a little but that's beside the point" I restrained myself from laughing

Will, making out with me?

"Yeah okay, I'll see you in a little bit"

He put his phone down and sat on the edge of my bed. I leaned over and pulled him close to me. "So, you wanted to make out huh?" his faced turned red and he covered it with his hands. I burst out laughing.

"I see you're feeling better"

Will looked up, still as red as the flowers in the Apollo cabin.

"Yeah I guess"

"Do you want to talk about it now?" He shook his head

I guess I couldn't blame him. Whatever he had dreamed about had shaken him up quite a bit.

"I'm going to go get some pancakes; do you want to stay here?" He nodded slowly.

I got up and crossed over to the other side of the cabin. I glanced back to make sure he was okay and then headed out. Gods, it was bright, too bright for Will to be moping about in my cabin.

Will POV

I shouldn't be pushing him away. I knew this, yet I continued out the back door of the Hades cabin and out into the sunlight. The sun always helped me clear my head.

Why couldn't I talk about it? It shouldn't be that big of a deal anymore. Yet whenever I tried something got caught in the back of my throat.

I somehow ended back up at the Apollo cabin. Apollo, I should just call him my dad but it was hard when I was possibly older than him, was arranging some of the flowers and looking sadly out the window. He turned and smiled when he saw me.

"Dad?" My voice squeaked a bit. He looked a little surprised but his expression turned serious.

"What's wrong?" He sat on one of the empty beds and patted the spot next to him. I sat down.

"You don't care right?"

"About what?" I looked at the floor

"About, you know, me and Nico" Apollo put his arm around me.

"Will, did I ever tell you about that one mortal. What was his name?? I remember this one time we..."

"Oh my gods Dad stop" He laughed

"The point is we gods don't really care for that sort of thing. You like boys, there's nothing wrong with that. I should tell you about this one time I met this guy at a club and..."

"No seriously stop" I felt my face flush again. "I don't need to hear about your past lovers"

Apollo shook me. "You found love, what could possibly be wrong with that" I smiled.

"Thanks Apollo" He got up and started arranging the flowers again. "No problem"

I got up and started for the door. "Are you going to see Nico?" I shrugged. He turned around and started rummaging through a knapsack for something "Hold on I wrote some poetry for you two"

"Umm... I'm gonna go" I ran for the door. "Wait!" Apollo tried to follow me but tripped on the bed sheets.

I laughed and ran out the door, right into a plate of pancakes. And a very pissed off looking Nico.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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