Chapter | 17

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It wasn't until New Year's Eve that Jack was able to actually talk with Emily. His father had been taking him from meeting to meeting and between those his Mother had dragged him around to see her friends with his brother, urging them to be on their best behavior unless it came to flirting with the women she thought would be suitable wife material.

If he wasn't being treated like a shiny new toy by his Mother or being forced to pick up his old work drive by his Father, Stephen had him at all of their favorite bars and clubs catching up with their old friends. In the years he had managed to keep away, only returning for a few random weeks he remembered why he did it.

"Jack, you ready?" Stephen called from the corridor. Despite having his own place in the center of London, he decided to stay with his parents while Jack was there. He didn't have room for Jack at his place and most of things Jack owned were being rented in his absence.

"Na not till after six, I need to call Em for New Year's" He ignored Scotts comments about being whipped and since it was just gone four he decided to try and speak to his Father now about his plans for next year. Sure enough he was still in his office, despite the majority of the company in shut down his Father didn't stop working and he knew he wanted more from life now than just working.

"Jack, shouldn't you be heading out with Stephen?" He greeted, sitting back on his chair and for now ignoring the computer screen.

"I need to talk you first"


"I want to stay in Australia, for another year at least"

Don had been waiting for this. The change is his son had been obvious the second he saw the twins sneak in when he arrived. It wasn't just the tan that helped make Jack glow, he was happy. 

"This wouldn't have anything to do with that girl Stephen was talking about would it? I'd hate to see you throw away a career over a pretty face. I'd expect that from your brother. Not you"

"It's not just Em Dad. I've given the last five years of my life to work and finally I have found that balance over there. I'm playing cricket again, the weather is beautiful..."

"You sound like your Aunt" He wasn't a cruel man, despite being Jacks boss he was still his father. "And you're right. I'll extend your work and take care of your Visa but you have to be the one to talk to your Mother"

Jack was afraid he'd say that.

"And we'll want to meet this girl"

It was more out of courtesy to let them meet but even if his Mother hated Emily it wouldn't change his mind. But then he realized they'd have to come out to Australia to do so, he got nervous. And on top of that, what would Emily think of it all? "Certainly"

Leaving the office he quickly phoned Emily and she answered on the third ring.

"Hey Em" The sounds of laughing and music had him holding back the phone until he heard her calling his name.

"Jack? Are you there?"

"Yeah I am. I just wanted to say Happy New Year, what are you up to?"

"Got five minutes to go, stay and we'll countdown together" She enthused, leaving the party outside and going into her room. "Carla and Paul are here with Josh, Gemma and a few of the other guys from the club"

"Are you sure? Go back to your party; I don't want to hold you up"

"It's fine, I can't physically be with you on New Year's so this will do" The pair had a quick chat, Emily told him about the puppies, the drawings Dan had done and Jack filled her in on his plans for the night.

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