Chapter 1 // Falling in Love with You

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*Your POV*

"Ugh! Mom, why do you have to sign me up for this internship? Besides, Gravity Falls doesn't even sound like a real place," I told my mother, finishing my cereal. I really didn't want to go to this place. Why couldn't I just stay home and play video games or something?

"Because, Y/N, you need to stop gaming. I want you to get out there and make some new friends. They seem really nice. Besides, you'll be living with two of them!" She responded cheerfully.

"But it's all the way on the other side of Oregon," I whined.

"Does that really matter? Hurry up, you'll miss your bus," She told me. I walked outside in my , grabbed my suitcase and , and walked out to the bus. Luckily, the bus driver didn't try and start up a conversation. We stopped for two other kids to get on the bus. They seemed nice. I heard the girl say something about a crush. The boy blushed and I giggled. When I stepped off the bus, they walked behind me.

"Hi! What's your name? I'm Mabel!" One of the two kids, a really hyper girl, approached me.

"Sorry, that's my sister," The other one said. "I'm Dipper."

"Well, I'm Y/f/n Y/l/n. Nice to meet both of you. By any chance, are you guys heading to a place called 'The Mystery Shack'?" I asked them.

"Yes we are. Our parents sent us up here for the summer to live with our uncle. He owns it. We could go there together!" Dipper suggested. I asked them about things, such as where is the arcade and volleyball court. We talked quite a bit until we reached The Mystery Shack. I think I just made 2 new friends.

*Dipper's POV*

"Hey, Dipper, do you think this looks good on me?" Mabel asked and came out of the dressing room in a tacky dress with knee-high boots.

"Sure, sure. Can we just go now? The party starts in 2 hours, and Grunkle Stan doesn't like it when we're late," I said to her.

"Fine. But bro bro, you gotta loosen up a bit!" She told me before she smacked a sticker onto my forehead. I groaned, payed for our clothes, and got onto the bus back home outside. When I walked in, I saw a beautiful girl with y/h/l-length y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes listening to music. I guess I was staring at her for quite a bit, because Mabel squeal in my ear "Omigosh! You have a crush on her, don't you? Don't you?!"

"No, I don't," I said, probably brushing as bright as a red tomato.

"You're blushing! I'm soooo telling her at the party!" She teased.

"How do you know she'll be there?" I asked her.

"Because she's obviously the new intern! She'll be living there," She responded. So we'll be living with her? That's nice. Another girl to embarrass myself in front of, I thought. She seemed laid-back. We approached her when we all got off.

"Hi! What's your name? I'm Mabel!" Mabel approached her first. She'll probably be scared off by this week. All the interns have been. Heh...

"Sorry, that's my sister," I apologized. "I'm Dipper."

"Well, I'm Y/f/n Y/l/n. Nice to meet both of you. By any chance, are you guys heading to a place called 'The Mystery Shack'?" She asked us.

"Yes we are. Our parents sent us up here for the summer to live with our uncle. He owns it. We could go there together!" I said. She asked us loads of questions. I guess she was a gamer and an athlete. That seemed pretty cool. I think I just developed a new summer crush.

*Your POV*

"What took you kids so long?" A middle-aged man with a fez asked us when we walked in.

"Oh. Sorry. Mabel took up a lot of time in the store," Dipper looked over at Mabel.

"Well, fix yourselves something to eat and help the new intern get settled in," He told them. Dipper got some pancakes from the fridge and warmed them up in the microwave.

"So," Mabel asked. "Do you wanna come to the party tonight?"

"What party?" I asked her.

"Well, we're hosting this huge party in The Mystery Shack and we want you to come!" She told me.

"Oh. Well, what kind of friend would I be not to come to your party?" I said to her.

"Yay! Well, I'll see you there," Mabel told me.

"Me too," Dipper said, laughing a very forced laugh. They showed me up to my and helped me get unpacked. It was actually quite nice. I stayed in my room until it was almost time for the party. I went down to Mabel and Dipper's room.

"Mabel?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Um, I kind of don't own any dresses and I need one for the you have one?"

"Oh, yeah! I have a few. Let me grab you one!" She said as she rushed into the closet. She came back out with a really cute light blue . I ran to try it on and came back out. Dipper was staring and Mabel was cheering in delight.

"Y/N, you look absolutely gorgeous in that!" Mabel said. "I think Dipper's lost for words," she said as we both giggled.

"I-I am not!" He finally sputtered out. We all headed down to the party. When we walked in, everyone was staring at me and were whispering to each other. I blushed and walked around with Dipper. He told me he would go get us some punch. Then a blonde girl walked up behind me with her group.

"Hey. I'm Pacifica Northwest. I'm kind of a big deal around here. I suppose you're new. Who are you?" She asked me.

"I'm Y/f/n Y/l/n," I replied shyly. "Not to be rude, but why are you a big deal around here?" I asked, confused.

"Well, my great-great-grandfather founded Gravity Falls, so yeah. What brings you here?" Pacifica question.

"I'm the new intern at The Mystery Shack," I told her.

"Oh, so you have to live with the Pines? I feel so bad for you," She said.

"Hey, they're not that bad!" I exclaimed defensively.

"Whatever. You should hang with us sometime," She said. "We have a huge mansion close to the town square. You shouldn't have any trouble finding it," She added, walking away with her group. That's when I noticed Dipper standing behind me, clutching the glasses and his eye twitching.

"Was that Pacifica? You should stay away from her. She's stuck-up and full of herself," He told me.

"Yeah, she is," Mabel added as she walked up to us. "She even said that you and her should have a karaoke battle tonight!"

"Well then, I know the perfect song to sing," I told her.
"Ok, we're having a karaoke battle tonight. Pacifica Northwest vs. Y/f/n Y/l/n", Stan called from the microphone. Pacifica sang first.

The Clap-o-meter got to 6.3. She walked away, a little mad. Then it was my turn. I got a little nervous as I walked up to the stage.

Everyone clapped really loudly. Then I looked over at the Clap-o-meter. It was on 10! I looked over at Pacifica, and she was fuming. I got the crown and everyone gathered around me, congratulating and complementing me. When I finally shuffled my way out of the crowd, I ran over to Dipper and Mabel. I hugged them both, and Dipper lifted me into the air. I heard the click of a camera.

"That's going in the scrapbook!" Mabel said. Dipper groaned and I giggled. After the party, Mabel, Dipper and I went to their room and watched movies.

"Haha, that's so fake! You can see the strings!" Dipper laughed. I threw a handful of popcorn at the screen, shouting, "Get out of the way, idiot!" and made a fake, girly scream. We all laughed and had a fun time. I heard Dipper say, "Goodnight, Y/N," before I drifted away.
I stole this from an Imagine I made for someone. Hehe. :P Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this! ;D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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