Chapter Three

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"Hey, Cali! I'm glad you were able to come," Alex stopped before giving me a hug. "Wow—are you okay?"

"Didn't get much sleep," I yawned.

All day yesterday was spent with pictures, poses, learning to accept the good things about me, and so much more. I finally got to sleep at four a.m after Lola thought we should watch movies relating to this whole topic, as well as a sugar daddy documentary—promising me she'd watch out for the total weirdos. I couldn't believe this whole thing was happening.

Maybe. I couldn't tell what was for fun and what was real anymore.

Alex had woken me up that morning on his way to work. He asked if I wanted to go out later, and of course I didn't know what was going on, so I said yes. Otherwise I would've probably said no. I had wanted the call to end. I didn't want to be an asshole and cancel the whole thing.

"If you want to go home—"

"I'm fine. Need a cup of coffee, that's all." We were chilling at the mall while he was waiting for his brother Leroy to finish a playdate at a friend's house.

At least this wasn't like a date. Just two friends hanging out at the mall who happened to kiss one time.


Although I objected, Alex paid for my coffee and we took a seat near the corner. "How was work?" I asked, trying to make small talk.

He shrugged. "Boring as usual." Alex was going to be a college senior next year, but had been working a part-time job all four years. I perked up, maybe he could talk to his manager to see if they had any openings.

"What is it you do again?"

He grinned. "Are you excited for your next year of college?"

I made sure not to frown or show any concern that I may not be able to continue. "Smooth topic change—straight to education."

"My bad." He held up his hands, laughing. "Let's see... do you want children in the future?"

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. Why would he ask that?! Suddenly he burst out laughing, so loud we definitely received a few glances. "Cali, your face! You should have seen it—I love messing with you."

"That wasn't funny, I thought—" I cut off my sentence. I thought you meant you wanted to make some with me. A blush crept up my cheeks that I hoped Alex didn't notice. I cleared my throat. "So any break plans?"

He shook his head. "Maybe. Depends. What about you?"

Confused at his answer and the flutter in my stomach, I moved on. "Yeah, I'm going on a beautiful cruise and paying for it with all my imaginary money."

"The joys of a college student? You need a loan?"

"No, but thanks. If I needed one, Lola would've showered me with money already." That was both a truth and a lie. Lola didn't have the money to "shower" me with, but if she did, she sure as hell would give it to me if I needed it.

"I'll try to get another job. Is your place hiring?"

"No," he said quickly. "Why don't you apply Starbucks?"

I scrunched up my face. "No, thank you. I already have horrible penmanship."

He laughed. "How's Lola been?"

"Lola's being Lola."

"Weird, outgoing, different, hyper, laptop geek?"

"You know it."

He leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his drink. I was almost finished with my coffee and I was starting to feel a bit more awake. "What kept you up last night?" He suddenly frowned. "...Maybe I don't want to know."

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