Chapter 8

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Sakura yawned as she stretched her body. She slowly rubbed her eyes, still adjusting to the sunshine.

The pinkette grabbed her phone to see what time it is, and it is now 7.05 am.

That's 1 hour and a half before school starts.

She jumped from her bed and dragged her feet to the bathroom.

She was still feeling sleepy afterall.

The hot water touched her body as she caressed her body, arms and legs.

Not long after that, her arms reached for the shampoo bottle and slowly squeezed its contents. Pink liquid flowed from the bottle.

This was her favourite shampoo. A strawberry flavoured shampoo.

As she rubbed her scalps, she couldn't help but think about school. Will all of them still hate her?

Probably not probably yes.

After doing everything she has to do to clean herself, she then walked to her walk in closet.

She pondered for awhile. She then wore them.

The pinkette went down and grabbed her backpack an apple to munch on before going to the garage to drive her black lamborgini.

She inserted the keys and turned it. The sound of engine was heard.

And she drove away.

~15 minutes later~

She checked her watch. And it showed 8.20 am.

'Still 15 minutes before school starts'

The school was now in her current field of vision. It looked pretty much the same except for the renewal of paint.

A knock was heard. Turns out it was Sasori, with a smile on his face, knocking on her window.

The window went down with each passing second.

"Sakura, good morning" he greeted.

"Good morning Sasori" she smiled.

"Aren't you getting out? You need to meet the principal first before actually joining in our classes no?"

Sakura sighed "I know I know"

"Let's go then"

Sakura took her keys and backpack before walking her way to the school entrance.


"Temeeeee!" A blonde shouted from across the room.

Sasuke twitched.  'That idiot is being loud again' he mentally sighed.


"Teme! Ya know, I heard we're getting a new student today!" He informed excitedly.


"She's a girl!" He exclaimed.

"Then she would be a fangirl" he said bluntly.

"Ya know, not everyone can be your fangirl" Tenten chimed in. There she was, standing with the rest of the group.


The bell rung. And they headed to class.


"Alright Sakura, here is the principal's office. I'm heading to class now okay?"

"Thanks Sasori. I owe you" she grinned.

Sasori flashed her a grin before heading to his class.

Sakura sighed and stared at the door in front of her.

'Principal's office' it read.

She knocked the door, and a faint 'come in' was heard. And she went in.

She was suprised to be honest.

She expected a principal to be sitting straight and looking professional.

But of course it wasn't like that. Papers were scattered all over the room. Her body was bended so she can lie on the desk. Empty bottles of sake was visible in the office.

Sakura grimaced. How did it change drastically.

Sakura stared at the other person occupying the room. It was Shizune. And she was face palming.

"I'm so sorry Sakura. Tsunade sama is always like this lately" she apologized.

"No it's okay. I just need my schedule please?" She asked politely.

Shizune nodded and woke the principal up. She shook her violently.

"Oh shizz, five more minutes" Tsunade moaned.

That earned another violent shake.

"Okay okay! I'm up!" She groaned.

"Tsunade sama. Sakura is here to get her schedule" Shizune rolled her eyes.

"Sakura? Oh!" She darted her eyes to the awkwardly standing pinkette in front of her.

"Oh my gosh. How are you?? Its been so long!" She grinned.

"It has. And I'm fine" Sakura replied.

"Glad to hear that" she said as she gave her the schedule and locker key. "This is what you needed?"

Sakura took it "Yep. Thanks"

"No problem Sak. If you need anything, I'm here" Tsunade grinned.

She then headed to her class.

Social studies. And it was Kakashi.


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