Chapter one

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"Angel?" I hear someone say my name, I open my eyes and see half my class and my friend trying to wake me up from my sleep. I must of been out cold for half the class. A boy next to me looks at my arm and smiles. "So pretty, you're a great artist. Did you know that? You probley did." No I didn't know that, why does he care? Why is he even talking to me? I get up and walk away as the bell rings for my next class, he runs up to me and starts bugging me. Can't he get the hint. "Hey Angel?"
"Yea what's up?" I look into my friends eyes, she kinda looks annoyed.
"Who's that um, kid?" she points at the boy trying to bug me.
"How am I supposed to know? Isn't he new or something?" I turn to the boy and ask him what his name is.
"Me? Hahaha I'm Michael! You?" He looks into my eyes and I blush not knowing I am.
"I'm Angel, leave me alone and we won't have a problem. Got me?" He starts blabbering and I try to walk away or do my work but he's still there, trying to talk to me. I finally speak up. "C-Can you s-stop! I don't like you ok! Leave me alone! Please..." he looks at me with a sad face.
"Whats wrong pretty lady? Someone like you shouldn't be so down." I look at him and give the kid a dirty look then looks back down at the desk.
"Kid you know nothing about me. Don't you think you do. I'm not pretty, so leave me alone." my eyes start to tear up and he hugs my arm and makes funny jokes to try and cheer me up.
"Now now I'm not someone that just leaves a person alone. I try to help and make them laugh! See!!" he sticks out his tongue.
"That's not funny" I bang the desk with my fist and push it away as I get up in anger. "Leave the F*ck alone! Do you hear me!"
"No." He says with no hesitation.
"What..." I sit back down confused why he wasnt scared of me. What is wrong with this kid? Does he have mental problems? Is he wishing for a death wish? It maybe his first time in this school but... He should already know to leave me alone. I thought I made that clear.
"Sooooo how have you been? What's your name? Do you like videogames? What's your favorite game?" He asked and asked over and over again til I finally broke again.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" everyone in the class room stares at me, or at least it like everyone.... "Please leave me alone, I don't like you and I don't like anyone." I push the boy away and I walk into the bathroom. What's wrong with me? Am I mentally ill? Why won't this kid leave me alone? Does he like me? I looked up at the mirror and looked away right when I saw my eyes meet themselves. Ugly. How could anyone love me? I go home at 2:15 trying to ignore everyone I see. Running into the house and locking my bedroom door. I go into my chest and pull out my knife. I think to myself, why do I hate myself so much? Why am I so ugly, why am I alive? A few moments later I start slicing my skin as if it's paper. Someone tearing a piece of paper that they messed up on. I look down and see red blood dripping down onto the floor. I start to cry, knowing I can't feel the pain but wants to. It hurts more than it looks.... It hurts more than it looks. My tears fall on my wounds and they start to clear up. I hold my wrist womdering why I'm not dead yet. But I'm happy I'm not, maybe I can help myself... Maybe someone can help me. I rush to the bathroom and turn on the water, the rushing water makes me shiver from it's sound, but I don't care I put my arm under the rushing water even though I hate the sound of it at the moment. The blood starts to disappear down the drain and I gulp just looking at all the blood. I turn to the bathroom cabinet, taking out a wrap, I wrap my arm in it like it was a blanket helping my wrist and keeping it warm and safe... Why can't I feel warm and safe? I don't get it... I walk back to my bedroom and lay down on my bed looking up at the ceiling, what's wrong pretty lady? What he said kept going through my mind... Pretty lady? What's wrong....? A lot of things I wish I could tell you... A lot of things kid. I start to close my eyes and fall asleep, tossing and turning.

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