After the rain

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Playing in the rain can be so amusing to some people. Just letting the cold water fall onto your body and feeling it glide down your face can be quite an appealing feeling to some. Yet, they ignore the fact that they could be stuck with quite the cold after. That's exactly what happened to Danielle.

A couple days before, the kids she works with saw the heavy rain dripping down from the window. They all thought it might be fun to just stand under it and have fun with each other. Knowing that Danielle had just divorced her husband and that she was hurting even though she didn't want to show it, the kids wanted to cheer her up. Danielle agreed to go with the kids. Ben, her co-star and best friend, refused, too scared to catch a cold afterwards. They all jokingly mocked him as they often did and went outside to play.

Now, here Danielle was, laying in bed with a terrible cold and a fever. Not only couldn't she breathe by her nose but it was also always running. Her throat was in much pain which made her voice sound broken. She was burning and totally uncomfortable. She was currently laying in her room uncomfortably while watching TV. She knew that Ben would probably pay her a visit in any minute. Ever since her divorce, he would check up on her to make sure she was ok even though she kept denying her pain. Danielle knew that even if she would tell him to stop coming he would come anyways, so she gave him the key to her house.

"Hey, Danielle." she heard Ben say from downstairs. She didn't even hear the door open when he came in. Ben made his way upstairs to go see her in her room. Once he got there, he saw the way she was and how her room was a mess.

"Not feeling any better, sweetheart?" he questioned as he rubbed her back. She turned around and gave him a weak smile. She liked him calling her 'sweetheart'.

"Ben, I feel awful!" the woman whined. Ben noticed that she looked miserable and uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry." the man said continuing to rub his best friend's back.

Danielle sat up on her bed. Suddenly, her face turned into a weird shade of green. Before Ben could even take the trash can next to the bed, Danielle threw up all over the sheets. She was shaking and Ben could see tears forming in her eyes. He quickly picked her up and put her down in the love seat in the corner of the room. Ben knelt down next to her and wiped her tears away.

"Shh, it's ok." Ben said in a reassuring tone.

"I have to clean it up now." Danielle said obviously not wanting to do it.

"No, no. You don't have to do anything. Why don't you just go clean yourself up and take a nice shower and I'll take care of all of this?" he offered stroking her leg with his thumb.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes! Go take a shower, I got this." he reassured her before kissing her burning forehead. His lips touching her skin comforted her. She made her way to the bathroom and took a nice long shower.

Meanwhile, Ben sighed looking at the vomit still on the bed. He cleaned it up and then changed the bed sheets. He threw away all the dirty tissues that were on the bed and on the floor. The man also opened the window a little to let in some fresh air. When Danielle came out of the bathroom from her shower, she found her room completely clean.

"Feeling any better?" she heard her best friend say.

"A little." she said. Ben made his way to her and embraced her in a comforting hug.

"Maybe you should go see a doctor so he can prescribe you something." Ben said.

"No, not the doctor. I hate the doctor." she whined like a little kid.

"Well, that's the only way you'll feel better, come on." he said.

"Okay." she said giving in. She didn't want to go. She thought she looked too horrible to go out in public. She was wearing sweat pants with an oversized hoodie that Ben had given to her when they were teenagers. She put on her Uggs and put on sunglasses so she wouldn't be recognized and to hide her face. She took her purse and joined Ben downstairs.

"What's with the sunglasses?" Ben asked.

"Because I look like garbage. Come on, let's go and get this over with." she replied. Ben chuckled at his best friend and they both made their way to Ben's car.

Once they got there, Danielle didn't want anybody to see her face, she would hide under her sunglasses with the hood of her hoodie on her head and would walk with her head held down. Ben found it quite funny.

"Come on, Danielle, you can come. Nobody's looking at you." Ben said chuckling. Danielle quickly made her way to her best friends and buried her face in his chest.

"Take me home, please." she pleaded.

"After we see the doctor. I just want to make sure that you're ok." he said wrapping his arms around her. Danielle lifted her head from his chest to look at him. Ben smiled at her as he took off her hood and the sunglasses on her face.

"No, Ben!" she complained at his action.

"You don't need to hide yourself, hun, you're gorgeous." he said. Danielle smiled up at him and laid her head back on his chest. They held each other as they waited for Danielle to be called.

Once they had seen the doctor, they made their way back to Danielle's house. Danielle changed into her pajamas and laid on her clean bed.

"Want me to rub some Vicks on your chest?" Ben asked his co-star. Danielle looked at him with a weird look for a moment.

"You want me to let you rub something on my bare chest?" Danielle asked as if she hadn't heard him right.

"What, I've seen it before." Ben said winking at her. The woman's eyes widened.

"Ben! That's suppose to be our secret!" She said caught off guard by his comment.

"Don't worry, it's just us. Our secret is safe." he said chucking a little. Danielle smirked before taking off her shirt and letting him rub some Vicks on her chest. After, Danielle put back her shirt on and Ben made his way to the kitchen to make her some soup.

"Here you go." he said putting the tray with the soup on her lap.

"Thank you." she said smiling at her best friend.

When Danielle was done with her soup, she put the little tray on her night stand. Then, the two co-stars laid in bed together watching TV. Danielle felt grateful for the day. She was really happy that not only Ben spent it with her but that he also took care of her despite all her whining. She put her hand on his shoulder and pressed her chin against it. She just looked at Ben for a moment which made her smile. When Ben noticed her, he turned his head towards her. Their eyes immediately locked together. They didn't even have to say anything. All their feelings were expressed in just that one look.

"Thank you." the woman whispered. Suddenly, Ben leaned in and locked their lips together. Danielle's eyes fluttered shut as she returned the deep and passionate kiss. After several seconds, the two parted for air. They then leaned their foreheads together. Danielle couldn't help but smile. She had been so miserable, but when Ben was there, that misery would totally disappear.

"Ben, you're gonna be sick now." she said slightly giggling.

"Well, this time, you'll take care of me." he said smiling. Danielle nodded her head as she returned the contagious smile.

"Well, in that case..." Instead of finishing her sentence, Danielle leaned in again to kiss Ben. Their kissing became even more powerful then their last kiss. Ben slowly got on top of Danielle to lay her down and she tangled her fingers in his curls as they started their passionate make out session.

Ben knew he would get very sick after that night, but he would have the most amazing, beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on to take care of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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