After math

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Woke up the next day remembering it all like a bad dream wishing it was a bad dream but I know all to well it wasn't. Why you may ask because the pain of rejection is still freshly stinging on my chest gosh I wish I could crawl into a whole and wait until this blew over. What wishful thinking! As the days went by I avoided my neighbor as he from me he changed his schedule around instead working at nights in his shed and staying inside in the day. Which made me feel even worst depression was quickly knocking on my door but I wouldn't let it in. Nope I'm a big girl I took a risk and it back fired on me soo what it's life!? I'm just sorry he has to take it so rash. But then again I must have looked desperate for him but I was drunk yea but I knew what I was doing. Still can't he... I don't know give me a break? a girl can only take so much. Ugh this isn't fair the one time I try to live a little of course it would come back to bite me in the ass. Weeks passed by until one day I couldn't take it anymore enough is enough. I will apologize and hopefully we can put this behind us. I got up with courage I had yoga pants on and a Victoria secret shirt that said PINK on it and it was black and white. I put on my fluffy slipper on not caring if I looked like a child and made my way over to the shed enough is enough we are adults! For Christ sake! And I was drunk, okay you don't like me that's okay I will live. As I got to his shed door frame he just happens to turn around in the exact same time which caught both of us off guard and my mind went blank all of sudden the rampage I build in my mind had left me. He finally cleared his throat and that's when I snapped out of it. "I came here to talk" he looked at me like if I was dumb " about what happen the other night" that's when he looked down and said "oh uh about that" and before he could rip my heart and throw it on the ground and stomp on it I quickly said " I was drunk and I barley remember but what I do remember isn't pretty so how about we just forget it ever happend and be back to how we were" " and how were we?" He asked " well" I hesitated for a minute " you know friendly neighbors mostly neighbors" "friendly" he chuckles "right" "well you know what I mean" "what's my name?" He asks " uh um" he says "exactly we weren't anything and we're still not anything" well that stinged "Yea exactly that's what I was saying before" "so you weren't interested in me he said" which caught me off guard. "Well um i...I what do you mean" "nothing he said... Forget it"   
"Well were you?" I finally asked almost in defense he looks at me " doesn't matter go home" " what is with you telling me to go home as a matter of a fact why are you telling me what to do? I don't tell you what to do" "You wish you could tell me what to do plus you like it" "HAH!! You wish" "So do you" "okay enough with this are we good? No more awkwardness no more you working at night instead of days"
"Don't think your so special I have a job in the Mornings" " I thought you build things which I still haven't seen" he rolls his eyes and sighs "I'll show you it if you stop interrogating me"
"Okay" I smiled wide. He shakes his head back and for and turns around " follow me and don't touch anything" "wasn't planning to" that's I lie I'm a touchy person " yea right" "how do you know so much about me we haven't even spoken much and your acting like if you know me". Ignoring what I said yet again he says "This is what I do" woahhhhhh I'm pretty sure my mouth was opened wide in an un lady like manner. He had everything from chairs to modern art "your a builder a good one too" he chuckles "I told you that" "yea buts it's different from you telling me from actually seeing it, what do you do with it" "I sell it you'd be surprised how much people like authentic things made from scratch they like beauty of something being man made and not machine mad" "that's true" I whisper. As I walked around seeing everything, taking it all in then felt his presence behind me and my mouth got dried. "Do you like anything" "that's the problem" I turn around he's only a few inches away from me "I like all of it" I whisper and he chuckles and for the firs time I see him smile a small smirk "I'm glad you do" now we are face to face oh man would I love to kiss him again.

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