Chapter 3

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“Ahh... a bed finally...” Alex dropped his bags on the floor and fell face first onto the bed. I sat down in the big, comfy chair provided and looked at the desk. There was a “No Smoking” sign. I picked it up, and threw it in the garbage, where it belonged. We were staying in a hotel room for the night, since Fredrick said that our next show wouldn’t be until 5 more days. So he hooked us up with a hotel room instead of us sleeping in the bus for 5 days. So, after 15 hours of driving, Rachel decided to crash here for the night. By that time, I had time to re-cut my hair and dye it. The town itself was pretty small so there was no danger of us being mobbed the whole time.

          “Hey Alex, how much do you think prostitutes cost in this town?” Mitch asked as he picked up the phonebook, as if he would think he would find some numbers of whores in there.

          “I’m not sure, probably a good 5 cents.” Alex rolled over and started laughing. I glared at them.

          “Prostitution is nothing to joke about you guys. These girls are probably carrying diseases that they’ll have for the rest of their lives and then they’ll die from them!”

          “Aww, don’t worry Sam, we’ll find some male stripper for you.” Mitch giggled and Alex roared with laughter.

          “Wow, you guys are so immature.” I scoffed and lit a cigarette.

          “Yeah, I would go in the bathroom or outside with that. They have smoke alarms in here.” Dylan said from the other bed. I gave him a look too. I stubbed out my freshly lit cigarette, grabbed my purse, the room key and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

          I went to the front of the hotel and re-lit the cigarette. I lifted my hood just in case someone did recognize me. I sat down on an upside down flower pot and stared out to the other side of the street. A small strip mall with an adult store, a pizza place, a phone company and a convenience store stood across. Some houses were on the right side of the mall and a fast-food restaurant stood on the left side.

          I blew some smoke and reflected on tonight’s show. It actually went great. We all played great and we actually had fun for once. When we finally did start to play our new song, the crowd was speechless. At first, I started to panic because they didn’t look like they liked it but once we really got into it; they started screaming and even started to sing the chorus back to us. It was really hard when we left because we had so much fun and I didn’t want the night to end.

          “Oh my god... I think that’s her.” I heard some people whisper. I whipped around and saw three guys. They looked like they were teenagers and they were very tall. As they came closer, I saw that they were very muscular for their age and they all had jet black hair that was careful spiked with hair jell.

          “Hey, that’s that drummer chick off of that band.” One guy called. I stood up slowly.

          “We aren’t gonna hurt you.” Another guy called. They started to run up to me. My fight or flight instinct was very confused. I decided to stay.

          “Shit! She is that drummer chick off of that video!” The first guy exclaimed. As they came up, they looked very handsome. There was no way that they were teenagers.

          “No way,” One of the guys scoffed. “She has different hair.”

          “What band are you guys talking about?” I laughed, ignoring the other guy.

          “That um.... Inner Drug, isn’t it?” The first guy asked. I nodded my head. They all exhaled in relief.

          “Dude, I love your band.” Another guy said. He smiled hugely. “I’m actually your biggest fan out of these guys. Your drum beats sound so cool!”

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