This is what really happend

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This is just a note before you begin reading. This story is a project that I did for my english class. It's about the book "And Then There Were None". At the end of the book you have a letter from the killer. What I was supposed to do was change the killer, how they died, who dies, why he did that... so the only thing that stays the same is pretty much the poem. If you hadn't read the book you probably won't understand it that well. Enjoy!


Why? Why did I do all of this? It's probably easy to guess that I'm going mad or already am. I don't even know myself. Everything is his entire fault. This madness all started that day. Yes, I can still remember it clearly. I was going to work, when a strange man approached me saying that he was studying medicine and would like some of my advice. I didn't think twice before following him. When we arrived at my office, he didn't say much. He gave me three envelops. The man told me that if I would obey him I would receive a large amount of money, but if I didn't he was going to reveal my secret. Yes I did kill that poor old lady, but it's too late now anyways.

I didn't have a choice. I opened the first letter as soon as I arrived home. The only information that was in there was the place, the time, the day, what to bring and when to open the second letter. I packed some hallucination drugs, a judge hammer, some poison, à block of clay and a bottle of chlorophyll.

On my first day on the Indian island, I waited to be alone in my room before opening the second letter, in which I discovered his true intentions. His goal was to create his vision of a "perfect world", a world with no crimes. He had chosen people who had committed horrible crimes and sent them on this island. My mission was to kill them all. And as insane as it sounds I had to kill them according to a riddle. Did I say insane? I'm sorry, it was much worse than insanity, it was complete madness. The letter revealed how to proceed in killing them and where to hide my weapons (the drugs, etc...).

My first victim was General Macarthur. I only had to watch. My "employer" had planned everything. He told Mrs. Rogers to prepare a dish with peanuts in it. Macarthur was allergic to them. The General died while eating supper.

Ten little Indian boys went out to dine; one choked his little self and then there were nine.

Next one was Blore. When I was sure that everyone was sleeping, I snuck out of my room, went to his door and knocked. No one heard me because his room is at the end of the hallway. When he opened his door I covered his nose and mouth with a cloth drenched with chlorophyll. He fell unconscious. I dragged him to his bed, before blocking all his airways. He died from suffocation.

Nine little Indian boys sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight.

The third little Indian boy to die was Anthony Marston. I had taken Lombard's revolver. I waited for the perfect timing. Marston was getting a rope while Lombard was gone doing God knows what. When I was alone I ran to Anthony and shot him right through the head. It was as simple as that.

Eight little Indian boys traveling in Devon; One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.

Emily Brent was rather challenging. We were all waiting for Marston to start eating. Knowing what I would find I proposed to go look for him, I didn't lose time. I went out by the front door and came back in by the kitchen's door. I found Miss Brent chopping mushroom all by herself. It was just what I was hoping for. I took the steak knife and chopped her head off. I went back in by the main entrance telling the others that I found Mr. Marston dead.

Seven little Indian boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.

Fear was in everyone eyes the day Miss Vera Claythorne died. After a walk with Lombard she had brought some flowers in the house. It was simple to pour some powerful poison (takes effect when you inhale it). When Miss Vera took the flowers to bring them in her room, she dropped dead on the floor, noticing too late the bee on one of the flowers.

Six little Indian boys playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.

Wargrave's murder was almost too easy. When we all agreed to go to bed we got up and headed towards the stairs. I knew that Wargrave would be last because, let's be honest, he's not in great shape. I took the judge hammer hidden under the table. Earlier, I had put a needle on one of the end of the hammer. It was easy; I hit him in the back of the head. The needle went through his brain. It was a one blow hit.

Five little Indian boys going in for law, One got in Chancery and then there were four.

The plan started to get a little difficult when it was time for my own death. In the middle of the night I went to the kitchen. The letter had informed me of a knife decorated by a red herring that was in the kitchen. I slowly pushed it through my back. I wasn't dead though. The block of clay on my back prevented that. I screamed to alert the others before lying on the ground beside the table.

Four little Indian boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.

Lombard was quite difficult to kill, I must say. He was never alone. But that didn't stop me. He died when he crossed that door. The bear statue was next to that door. It was very unstable, the only thing that kept it from crashing to the floor was a rope attached to that door. When he opened it the statue went crashing on him.

Three little Indian boys walking in the Zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

The rest was a piece of cake! Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were too terrified to stay together and so, they locked themselves up in different rooms. Eventually, Mrs. Rogers came down to take some food. When she passed in front of the fire place, she stopped, wondering who had lighted the fire. She opened the gate to putt off the fire. She didn't have time to react. I pushed her in the fire and closed the gate. While she was screaming in pain, I delicately put a little sun medallion on the floor and waited, waited for her husband's death.

Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun; On got frizzled up and then there was one.

Everything was set. Mr. Rogers, hearing his wife scream, hurried downstairs. Sadly, he didn't make it. He died before. He was running in the stairs when his foot got cough in the rope that I had placed there before hand. He flew in the air and all my calculations ended up right. His neck went right thought the hanging rope. Everything went according to plan.

One little Indian boy left all alone, he went and hanged himself and then there were none.

It was over; at least it's what I thought. As I opened the third letter I realized that he had no intention in coming to save me. It was actually the opposite. He wanted me to kill myself. He had left instructions. I will have to freeze the handle of the red herring knife in water. I will then have to climb on a chair, my back facing the blade, and jump off. The blade will pierce my back, while dying I will roll over making it seem like a murder. One little Indian boy left all alone; He went and hanged himself and then there were none.

That man is dangerous. He forces people to do as he says, playing with their minds. If someone one day finds this letter please report him. That man is Thomas Legge.

- Dr. Armstrong


Ok. I know it's a little violent, but seriously that was a school project. If you didn't read the real thing written by Aghata Christie I suggest you do, it's a really good book!

I forgot to tell you guys that what you just read is a letter that the killer wrote and put in a bottle before trowing it in the sea. A fisherman (I think) found it later. And if you are wondering Thomas Legge is a guy in the end of the book.

Please do all or one of these things below (If you don't Batman is going to hunt you down, I know her personnaly):

- Vote!

- Comment!

- Read till the end (you probably did if your reading this right now)

- If you have a good cover send it to me.

Thanks for your support! Love you all!

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