The Cuter Iron Man

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Tony handed back a signed photo to the seventh Cinderella tonight. This Halloween charity event was starting to wear him down and it was barely 10pm. Taking a seat at the snack bar that was provided, Tony checked to see if his girlfriend was still where she had been for the last half an hour. She was. And she was still talking to the same chump dressed in a cheap Iron Man suit.

Why would she waste her time with that guy if he came in the real suit and was the real thing? He thought. It made absolutely no sense at all.

(Name) pulled the guy in a hug for the fourth time since they'd been speaking. "I really love that suit. You are the cutest Iron Man I have ever seen."

The playboy shook his head, trying to fathom what he had just heard. No, it was just his  mind playing tricks on him. He knew that even his girlfriend, who said some pretty ridiculous things to him, could not have made such an incredible slip up such as the one he thought he'd heard.

Re-focusing his attention on the Iron Man who was NOT cuter than him, Tony took a sip of his drink.

"Am I really ?" The guy talking to (name) stood a bit taller, an air of confidence about him.

"Of course. There's not a single Iron Man alive that could compare to your cuteness." (Name) winked, making the guy's face go red.

Tony nearly choked on his water. "That's it." He marched over, done with letting these charades continue.

For the whole thirty minutes (name) had been chatting with this guy, Tony had let every antic slide. He allowed the guy to hug (name), his chest comfortable against her breast. Then, he watched as the two took numerous selfies on (name)'s phone. That hurt Tony on a personal level considering that he had filled his girlfriend's camera with selfies of himself, which meant she had deleted them for more space.The billionaire had EVEN restrained himself when his girlfriend, aware that he was in eye's view, kissed the sucker on the cheek.

"Hey, babe." You turned to where Tony was now glaring at your new friend. Oh no. You knew that look. "Tony."

"Alright kid. This is the last straw. You can pretend to be all innocent and hug my girlfriend, replacing my pictures with your 'adorable' selfies, and having her smother you in cheek kisses, but let's get one thing straight. The only Iron Man she finds cute in this world is me. Now skedaddle."

You stared dumbfounded at your boyfriend then turned back to the boy who fled. "Oh my god, Tony! You just scared him away!"

"He deserved it." Tony stated.

"Heee is a five-year old child!" You rubbed at your forehead in annoyance.

"Well, he shouldn't have been all over my woman." He argued. "You even have a nice label so people would know who you belonged to, but no. Kid went straight ahead."

He was referring to the word's 'Stark's Girl' that the playboy had added to your cape. As if he forcing you to be the female version of him wasn't enough.

"So what you're saying is that you got jealous of a child?"

Tony's eyes widened, then quickly returned to the normal state. "Nope. I don't get jealous."

"Oh okay, Iron Man. If you say so."

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