Whatever It Takes

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*This story takes place after the events of Age of Ultron. Requested by KawaiiJazz22. Thank you for following along with my TonyxReader stories!! This is my first time trying out angst, so I hope you like it :) **

Tony sits across from Wanda at the kitchen island, Wanda's hands resting inches away from his face, red energy flowing through the playboy's head. He is sweating and you can't help but wonder what future he is seeing, slightly afraid for him. Aware of Wanda's mind tricks and even more aware of Tony's PTSD, you began to worry that he might be thrown into another episode. But after a few more seconds, Tony's face peels into a smirk and his eyes open.

"Well, can't say I'm surprised," he muses. "Always saw myself--"

Wanda covers his mouth with her hand, eyes wide and slightly annoyed. "Stark, I told you the rules, the future is a sensitive matter. It is one of the greatest secrets. You cannot talk about what you saw or you will throw the world off balance."

"Please," he smirks, winking at me. "It isn't a secret that I am the most likeliest of the Avengers to save the universe at any cost. I am Iron Man, right babe?"

You roll your eyes at him before smirking back at your boyfriend. "Here it comes..." you whisper to yourself. "3...2..."

"Do we not remember New York?" Tony shrugs. "Who flew into that wormhole? Cause it wasn't you," he eyes Wanda who becomes increasingly irritated with him.

"You are foolish, Stark." Wanda marches out of the room, muttering about Tony's stupidity and her own for being convinced to look into the future for him. Tony leans down and kisses you on the cheek before rushing after Wanda to continue teasing her, most likely.

"What did the Man of Iron do this time?" Loki enters from the door Tony and Wanda disappeared through. "He said something about being the Redeemer of the Universe?"

"Yeah," you laugh. "Tony had Wanda tell his future and now he's boasting about being able to save the.... Tower from collapsing."

Loki lifts an eyebrow at you, clearly aware that you are hiding something. He sits across from you, green eyes staring deeply into yours. "And what about your future? Did she tell you yours?"

"No, and I didn't ask her to." You begin to cringe as Loki's glare becomes more intense. "Loki, what are you-" You feel your eyelids grow heavy, your vision becoming blurred. "Loki, stop."

"Shh," he cooes. "We are going to see if the Witch truly can foretell the future." Exiting the room, Loki returns with Wanda, the two seeming to be arguing though whatever Loki has done to you has caused you to practically lose hearing.

Tony marches in, pulling you up to look at him. He holds your face and speaks to you but you can't hear anything he is saying. Your eyes are now fluttering shut and the last thing you see is the red flow of energy seeping out of Wanda's hands.

When you open your eyes, you are standing in the corridor of an abandoned factory. The lights flicker and you feel your blood running cold. Stepping cautiously forward, you place one hand on the wall and follow the row of flickering lights until you come to a door left slightly ajar.


You slide through the space that's been left open, hiding in the shadows. Crouching past abandoned machinery, you follow their voices until you see them through the crack of two shelves. Tony and an alien you had only seen in your nightmares -- large and purple and strapped to his fist a golden gauntlet glimmering with the light of the infinity stones- stand across from each other, both beaten down.

There's a pause in the conversation, and you lean closer to hear them clearer.

"So what, Thanos, you think the world is just going to bow to you? What exactly is your endgame here?" Tony's voice is desperate in a way you never knew.

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