Chapter 1

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Zero walking through the forest after picking some blood berries

That right blood berries. The very berries that vampires eat to satisfy their hunger. But sadly, the young generations doesn't know that

Zero keep on walking. All the way he heard ruffle sound. Zero sign. That boy really like to follow him around like a lost puppy

He glance to his side, seeing a brunette pureblood boy hiding behind a tree. This boy have been following him for months now. He doesn't even know why

He kept walking. Until he heard someone calling

"Kaname, Kaname where you?" A male voice shout

Zero can sense that this person a pureblood and have the same power like the boy. It possible he is the boy father

Zero turn around and walk over where the boy hiding. The brunette boy come out and look up with......... admiring eyes!!!

Zero now confuse. Wonder why this boy looking at him like that.

"Kaname, there you are" the male pureblood run to his son

"Father" engulf by his father hug

"Don't you ever disappear from me again" he hug even tighter

When he let go. He finally realize that someone with them. He look up. Gasp seeing the most stunning person he ever seen. More stunning than his wife

Zero stare at the man eyes, knowing he has lust in it. Without thinking, he turn around leave the place


Zero stop and look at the man. The man only stare at him without a single word leave his mouth

"If you don't have anything to say then i will be leaving"

"Sorry it just..... i never seen anyone as beautiful as you before. I guess that the reason why my son follows you. Oh where are my manner, i'm haruka kuran and this is my son, kaname kuran"

Kaname smile at the silverette

"I'm zero" he simply said

Haruka smile. His eyes widen when he realize that the person in front of him is a vampire. But strangely he is not an ordinary vampire or even pureblood

No.... this one different and a lot stronger

"What are you?" He ask. Kaname look at him confuse

"What do you mean?" zero innocently ask

"You are a vampire and yet...... you are not. What are you?" Haruka demand this time

Zero smirk. He can feel the fear in his heart

"How incredibly sad. We have been remembering you guys since the beginning of time but you have to selfishly forget about us. You have no respectful toward us. The gift we had given you" zero said

"What are you talking about?" Haruka confuse.

"It cannot be help. It because of your selfishness. You willing to forget your own parent and.............. your own creator" with that zero disappear with the swift of the wind

Haruka stand there dumbfounded.

What does he mean by creator?

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