✧ only red ✧

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At recess, Harry ran towards the playground to go play on the money bars.
He loved swinging and climbing onto things, so the money bars was just perfect for him. He even had calluses, so the metal didn't even hurt his hands anymore.
As he was sitting on the top of a single bar, he saw the boy sitting alone in the grass. Harry jumped to the ground, dusting off his hands from hitting the tam-bark, and walked over to the field where the boy with the fruity painting sat.

"Hi," Harry greeted, sitting down in front of the boy, who looked up at him with big, cerulean eyes. Harry smiled because he liked the boy's eyes. They were pretty.

"H-Hi." He glanced down again.
"I'm Harry, and I'm really sorry I ruined your picture," Harry smiled sadly, and the boy nodded.
"I'm Louis," he said quietly, and Harry smiled.


"I really like your eyes!" Harry beamed, and Louis smiled softly. "I like yours too, they're green."
"And yours are blue! Like the sky, or the ocean!"
"Yeah," Louis replied, and Harry pulled out his bag of Jellybeans.

"Do you want some blue jellybeans LouLou?"
"I only like the red ones,"

Harry popped a couple of jellybeans into his mouth, and made a mental note to bring red jellybeans to school tomorrow.

"I'm going to paint you a new picture when I go home and bring it for you tomorrow!" Harry tells Louis, and the boy smiles a little bit.

"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"Yeah, your picture was really really pretty and I didn't mean to ruin it-or make you cry!"

"It's o-okay, thank you!" Louis smiled enough to where his eyes crinkled at the corners.

"Do you have any friends LouLou?" Harry asked, and Louis shook his head with a frown replaced onto his face. "Oh, well maybe my friends can be your friends!"

Louis nodded, remaining silent.

"Can I be your friend Lou?"

Louis nodded again. He wasn't much of a talker.

"Yay! My mummy is going to be happy that I made a friend with pretty blue eyes!" The green eyed boy exclaimed with a dimpled smile, and little Louis sat there with a warm smile because Harry is his first friend, and he didn't really know what to say, or how to act because he's never had a friend before.

Soon, the bell rang and the two boys walked in silence to the classroom. Harry took his seat, which was away from his new friend, and sat at his desk impatiently for the remaining three hours of school.

゜☆ ゜・。。・゜☆ ゜・。。・゜

"How was school, Harry?" His mum asked once Harry was strapped into the car in the backseat. Harry had a wide smile planted onto his face. "I made a new friend today mummy!"

"Oh really? That's great honey, what's their name?" She asked with a fond smile as she began to drive off.
"His name's Louis but I call him LouLou and he has really pretty eyes! He's small too! Like a baby! And he likes red jellybeans! Can we go to the candy shop to buy some red jellybeans? Please please please!! For LouLou? Also, I painted a picture of the candy sho-"

"Slow down, honey slow down! So tell about this Louis boy, what's he like?"

"He's really quiet and shy. And I accidentally made him cry during class! But it was an accident 'cause I spilled paint onto his pretty painting and he started crying and I said sorry but he got really sad," Harry explained and Anne nodded her head, listening to her son ramble.

"So I decided that I'm gonna paint him a pretty picture and take it to school tomorrow and give it to him! And some red jellybeans! Please can we go?"

"Alright, Hare-bear. We'll go to the candy shop for your new friend. I'm proud of you for being so kind to him."
"He looked like he needed a friend mummy! He sits alone during recess and stuff," Harry exclaimed and as Anne pulled into the parking spot of the candyshop, Harry got overly excited. He loved the candy shop so much that he even painted a picture of it!
The colors were really pretty to him, so it was worth painting.

The interior was full of candies varying from lollies, to mint chocolates. The whole store seemed to be a happy place for Harry because it was colourful, and he really liked colourful things. It made him feel happy.

"Alright Harry, you can pick out seven bags of candies, okay?" His mum said, and he nodded, and wandered the aisles of candies.

He found an aisle full of jellybeans, and he looked through each assortment of colour, varying from mixed, to one solid colour-and that's what Harry needed-one solid colour.

He scanned the colours until he found a bag of red jellybeans. Those ones were for Louis.

After fifteen minutes of searching through candies, Harry ended up with bags of various candies such as : Jellybeans, gumdrops, jawbreakers, pink heart shaped lollies, caramel filled chocolates, plain gummy bears, and pink starbursts.

He walked over to his mum, who grabbed ahold of the candies as she paid for them. They were then placed into a pink bag with the candy shop logo printed onto it. Harry and his mum got back in the car and headed back home.
And once they arrived, Harry didn't hesitate before grabbing his backpack and rushing upstairs to paint Louis a pretty picture.

A/N : I'm crying I love this sm omg

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