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-I think we should hit the road, after the breakfast! I heard Sam saying to Cameron as I followed them and my cute boyfriend to the lift.
I nodded.
-Where is James? Asked Denis.
-He is already downstairs waiting for us! Answered Sam, who looked really happy today. I smiled at him and took Denis' hand in mine.
After we had found James and had eaten our breakfast,we hit the road.
The guys weren't that sure about my condition, so they decided to not let me drive yet. So, James was driving, while Cameron was sitting next to him, leaving Sam alone on the front seat and me and Denis on the  back seat.
Denis put his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and he smiled, sitting up.
He looked at my eyes, before he kissed me. The kiss was sweet and caring at the begging, but it got more headed. Denis suddenly lied back on the seat, bringing me on top. The guys groaned in annoyance and made some comments, so I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. I looked at Denis' brown eyes waiting for him to say something.
-I'm ready! He whispered and it took me a moment to realized what he meant.
-You sure? I whispered in his ear.
He nodded.
-Can you guys wait until we reached a hotel? We don't want to see you guys having  sex live! Commented James, making Sam and Cameron laugh.
Me and Denis probably looked like tomatoes.
After four hours, we finally reached the hotel, we had stayed eight days before, when we started with this road trip.
While Cameron was checking us in, we were waiting for him at a small sofa. Denis looked some nervous, so I took his hand in mine to let him know that everything is alright.
After a while, Cameron came back with one room key. We looked at him confused and he returned the look. We followed him upstairs and we soon realized that we were going to share a big room with five beds. We all groaned and I looked at Denis, who looked sad and disappointed. Then, I had an idea.
I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind me. Then we saw the van and I smiled. I looked at Denis, who was smiling too.
-You ready? I asked him, climbing in.
He nodded and kissed me.

Road Trip (Brustoff)Where stories live. Discover now