Dorm room

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Nagisa POV
So I headed down the halls and up stairs to the dorm room section looking for. The number 1323 i walked and walked until I saw the door it was brown and had a sign on it witch was really weird it said 'don't come in I'm killing a teacher 😜'
So I knocked and stood out side for a minute or two and nobody answered so I entered as I entered it lead straight to the bedroom it had two beds either side two desks and two of everything it's was weird but on one side it had a poster up {look at pitcher}.

I walked over to the bed without any thing on the walls and put my stuff down as I was unpacking my books and some other things I saw a figure come out the bathroom with just a towel around his waist ..
"Nagisa I believe is your name"
"Karma?"I questioned
I stood up but then remembered that he only had a towel round his waist so I sat back down

"What are you doing here "
"This is my dorm room " -Nagisa
"I'm not suppose to have a dorm partner "
"How come ?"-Nagisa
"Because there all usually girls and because I skip classes and all they all want to move so they lie saying tried to sleep with them and all "
"Oh well don't worry about me I'm here so my mom won't kill me with her craziness "I said jokingly -Nagisa
"Well ok I'm going to go get changed if you haven't noticed I'm still just wearing a towel "
"Oh yeah sure I'm just gonna unpack " -Nagisa
He left the room to get changed and I just flopped back on my bed thinking about how he looked in that towel .
I snapped out of it as soon as I heard "are you alright you look a little red "
"Yeah I'm fine "I said as I stood up just to see him topless
"Well ok then I'm just gonna go watch some tv ~but don't you have to go to class. I quickly butted in
"Nah I don't go cause I don't need to "
I laughed and left to go back into the bedroom to unpack

~~~Timey wimey passes ~~~~
So I finished packing and still had time to look around so I went to the living room to find nothing nobody so I left
I looked round the school in classes and all I was looking at the garden round the back it was completely distorted but the water fountain still worked so it make everything look amazing I sat at the water fountain stearing into the rushing water thinking about how my year should go ..
I was suddenly soaking wet and lying in the fountain
"Hahaha you should of saw your face"
I stayed in the fountain not saying a word until karma approached and lent out his hand "I'm not sorry it really was funny " as he lent me his hand a grabbed it and pulled him in
"What was that for "
"Oh nothing just something called payback "
We both layed there looking at the clouds laughing
Until .."are you gay ?b.ecause I saw you blushing earlier and there was nothing in the to blush about and you wouldnt stop looking at the towel "
"Well um yeah but I didn't mean it to be weird"
"It doesn't matter aren't we all "
"Your gay too"
He laughed and nodded his head
"We should get back " said the red haired boy
We both got up out of the water and headed back to the dorm room
"Not again " I said under my breath
"Watch were you going "
"I will sorry "
I got up and walked away with karma
Watch out for him his name is ryōma him and his little gang think they own this place when really I do karma said while smirking
{Back at the dorm }
It's getting late I'm going to sleep goodnight karma
Night the boy yelled through the wall from the living room
I sat there wondering why I like karma and how I like karma soon after I fell asleep

"Oh my god why do I even like you " karma said under his breath

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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