[1] ~Enemies Series~

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~A Series by SapphireStars

Chapter 1


I sat down at the dingy luch table next to my best friend, Tammy, who was picking at some half-frozen fries on her plate. The noise of the cafeteria was louder than usual, maybe because winter break had just ended.

"Hey, Azy," Tammy said, looking over at me. "What's wrong?"

I sighed deepy, I didn't want to talk about it. About how the young dragon had gotten away with one of the thirteen Sapphire Hearts. "I'm a failure, Tammy. I will never prove myself to the Dark Master!"

Tammy knew my ranting all too well. She was the only person who knew about my secret life as a dragon-slayer, and it was good to tell her about how things were going. As I told her about my humiliating defeat by the young dragon, she just nodded her head and made an occasional grunt. That's what I liked about Tammy, she always saved her talking until after I finished.

"Well," She began. "You just need to keep at it. You are the best Dark Warrior I know and you can totally kick dragon-butt!"

"I'm the only Dark Warrior you know, Tammy. And I don't think that I can do any better! Every time I do something to get him closer to the Hearts, I mess it up, all when the Dragon appears! This is so--"

"Oh. My. God. Azy, look over there, it's Zeverai Lea."

I looked over to the table she was staring at. There were the usual people there: Reggie, who was a slightly short guy with curly red hair and pointy nose. Next to him was his girlfriend, Vivean, who had short blonde hair and big brown eyes. Across from them were Sasha and Nikki, two cheerleaders with egos as big as their plastic boobs. Next to them was... Oh. My. God.

"No way..." I gasped. I am usually not the one to gape at boys, or even pay much attention to them because one: I'm considered a freak (Just because I have blue hair, which, by the way, I am born with because I am a dragon-slayer. It's not like I can wash it off, and dying it is way to much work) two: boys are jerks and ony have one thing on their minds. And three: I'm way to busy serving a Master.

"Yes, way! I could recongnize those eyes anywhere!"

There he was. Zeverai Lea. Black hair that covered his bright blue eyes, beautifully shaped nose that peeked behind his dark vail of hair and tall figure. He wore a black shirt that hugged his built chest and a leather jacket over. He wa strangely beautiful, in a dark way. "Zeverai wasn't that tall before we went on break, and his eyes weren't that shiny..."

"Puberty," Tammy simply said, as if this unusual change in appearance was the most normal thing in the world. "And puberty sure loves him. He's georgeous."


"Hey, Zev! Coming to my party this weekend?" Joshua asked me. I was on my way out the door and to my bus, but if I stopped to talk to Joshua, I would miss it... again.

"Sorry, Josh. I have--uh... stuff to do at home, sorry man."

"Dude, you never come to parties, dances, or even do any afterschool activities! What's up?"

I sighed. There was a lot up, starting with the fact that I was a dragon and leader of the Magical World-to-be. "Nothing's up, I'm just busy, alright?" And with that, I left Jake alone in the hallway, running to catch my bus. Luckily for me, I missed it. "Crap!" I yelled out loud. A few cheerleaders giggled and I scowled. Then it hit me. I could just fly home, just as long as nobody sees me...

Running to the nearest alleyway, I took off my backpack and lay it next to me, then I reached deep within my mind. I reached into a place where I held my power and soon a tingle ran up my spine, then shooting through my whole body. In seconds, I became a full black dragon. I stretched my wings a little before I grabbed my backpack and lifted off, getting high enough that the people blow would think I was a bird.

The air always felt good against my scaley body, making me shiver with delight. I did a few flips in the air and altitude jumps, loving the feeling of being weightless. My joy was short-lived though, because just as I passed over my house, which I shared with my elderly grandfather and cousin, who was an elf, my phone rang. I knew if was Grandfather, wondering where I was, so I dived deep, back to the noise of honking cars and people talking. I landed in an alley way, and just as my dragon form formed, it disappeared.

"Grandfather!? I'm home," I called. Our house was nestled in the city of Verna, between two businesses who sold books. One sold newer books and the other sold older ones. Our house was quite old, made of erroded brick and peeling wood. When you first walk in, all you smell is old books or incense, but when you walk in further, into the forbidden parts of our house, you smell magic.

To any human, my house would seem perfectly normal. It had a livingroom, small kitchen, diningroom, but no bedrooms. That is, until you passed a portal of sorts, which immediately sent you into the magical world of Durza. Once you pass the door, you can smell it, you can feel it-the magic that is. My bedroom was the third door on the right. I quickly opened it ad threw my bag in, then walked to Juniper, my elven cousin's room.

Her room was rather big, with real grass growing inside. The walls gave off a magical glow, just like the sunset. In the far corner was a waterfall coming from inside the walls and flowing next to an orange mediation mat. Her room smelled of wildflowers. "Hey, Junni," I said, walking over to her. She was kneeled down by some flowers, singing to them.

She had a beautiful voice, but all elves do. Their songs are small and eerie and possess a hidden magic so dark and powerful, that it could destroy even the most powerful of dragons. She stopped singing and turned to me, her long, fountain-like black hair hanging from her head go graceful, it looked like silk. She had high cheekbones and soft rose petal lips, her skin was as white as snow. Her green eyes changed colour from what mood she was in, and now, her mood was agitated.

"Zeverai..." She said softly, trying to look as calm as possible, but her eyes said it all. They were a dark green, which, in other words = Danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2009 ⏰

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