5.'What do you mean you want to become a boy?' l

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After going off on one at my dad he finally says I can have my hair cut. My dad then calls some hair dressers but not many are open. I ask If he can call his hairdressers but he says no because 'It's a gentlemen's barber'. I tell him that It doesn't matter because I want to be a boy and they also specialise In boy's haircuts then my dad says something that surprised me.

'What do you mean you want to become a boy?' I sat there shocked because after coming out to them they think It's fake. They thought It was just a phase, a stupid thing that would go away after a while.

Like a brick, It all hits me. I realize that everyone I've told just brush It off and don't acknowledge It. How could I not have noticed? I thought they were just trying to get used to the fact that the person they once knew as a girl was actually a boy all along.

I keep saying Inbmy head 'I am a boy.' and 'I am Sebastian, not Bethany.' but It's not working. I'm hyperventilating. I think I might have another panic attack now.

I've got to go and calm down.

Sebby Out.

FtM, the story. Not Like Us Boys.Where stories live. Discover now