Figure in the Black Cloak

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The door creaks open. Rays of light rush through the room, framing the petite silhouette standing up front. It strides closer to me, enabling me to see that it's dressed in a dusty old black cloak. Too big for it's childish frame. A frivolous chuckle cuts through the eerie atmosphere, as it pulls the hood off it's head; revealing blood smeared on it's neck and bony shoulders. It's inhumane large smile, flashing it's daunting teeth. It's eyes rolled back into it's head, exposing no iris. 'Eyes are the window to the soul', it has neither. A chill runs down my spine, "I've failed," I mutter. It reaches for my hand and hooks it's gory fingers with mine, whispering in a monstrous voice "Play with me"...

Deafening claps erupt from my right. A proud, accomplished smile consumes my face as I turn to the source of sound. They are now standing in acknowledgement. Some going to the extent of whistling and shouting words of praise across the theatre. I turn to my colleague, who has her face swollen with delight. We bow toward our spectators in unison.

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