Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

"Wow." Is all I heard come from her mouth before we both leaned in again and just repeated what we had just done for the first time a few seconds ago, that is until some girl screamed "Harry Styles is here!!"

I looked down at Bethany and her eyes were wide. 

"Here follow me." I grabbed her hand and started to look for a place to hide. 

"There's some bushes." She pointed towards some bushes with her other hand.

I nodded and we both ran over to them. 

Just as we got behind them and crouched down, the girl who screamed my name and some of her friends I'm assuming passed by. 

"Where'd he go?" "He was just here a few minutes ago." "Come on girls lets go back in." All the girls walked back into the house. They looked pretty dissapointed. I felt bad, I loved my fans but I really didn't feel like getting mobbed tonight. 

"Well that was interesting..." Bethany chuckled.

I laughed. "Yeah sorry about that, I didn't think any thing like that was going to happen tonight. "

She smiled at me reassuring me that it was fine.

Bethany's POV

We finally climbed out of the mess of bushes with some scratches on both our arms and faces. 

I chuckled "hey curly you got some leaves in your curls."

"You're such a carrot." Harry gave me a dimply grin.

"Excuse me?"

What on earth does he mean by that. 

"You call me  'curly', directioners consider people who say things like that carrots."


"Well I'm not a directioner."

"Your still a carrot." 

"Ugh whatever. I will call you whatever I want, even if its 'Fuzzy''

Harry and I were now walking on the sidewalk.

"My hair is not fuzzy!"

I took my hand and ruffled his hair.

God it was so soft and just perfect. 

"Uh yeah it kinda is!"

He gave me a pouty face. "Whatever its perfect"

You have no idea sweet heart...

Of course I wouldn't admit that to him.

"Hey wanna get some food?"

Food sounds like a good idea right now...

"Yeah sure."

"Uh did you drive?"



Did I hear dissapointment?

Harry's POV

Ok so maybe I was a bit dissapointed when she told me she drove to the party. I mean I wanted to drive her. I know it sounds crazy but it would have been nice..

"So where should we eat? Right now I don't care as long as it's food."

She reminds me of Niall sometimes...

"Well theres a taco bell around the corner if-"

She didn't even let me finish my sentence, she just started running to her car. 

Taco bell it is then.


I sincerely apologize guys! I have not written in a while and I feel bad. I've just had some stuff going on and I just needed to take a break. I am really sorry!

So this was just a filler, nothing really happened in here, but I wanted to write something for you guys so I did. 

I was thinking maybe I should pick days when I can write the chapters so yall will know when I update. Maybe what I will do is write 2 days a week, so right now mondays and wednesdays are good for me. But since I already missed monday, I'll write abother chapey either tomorrow or friday. Does that sound good to everybody?

Ok well I'll see ya'll either tomorrow or friday lovelies. Bye for now. Adios Amigos (:



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