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Nadine's Point of View


Ughhh... I just wanna stay in my bed... After all I finished my requirement already. But its still required to go to school! For attendance! And we have this practice for moving up thingy... Gaaah!


The class was almost empty. You wanna know why? Because they're lazy. And they have the guts to not attend. You see, teachers threatened us, that if we don't attend this last week of school they said that they won't include us in our moving up ceremony.

~Time Skip: Lunch~

We were just inside the classroom, watching movies using the white board, the projector and a laptop. But I was still minding my own business.

Amelia: Nadine, I have something to tell you.

Nadine: Spill the beans.

Amelia: We started dating.

Nadine: ..................................... WHAT NOW?

Amelia: Quiet will you?! *whispers*

Nadine: Alright, geeeeeez.

Amelia: It happened a last week. January twenty five to be exact. *whispers*

Nadine: *whispers* And you didn't told me asap...?!

Amelia: I told you I was hesitant...

Nadine: *cries on the corner*

Amelia: S-Sorry...

Nadine: ..... *calms down* So, what's the feeling of being in a relationship?

Amelia: Let me ask you one thing.

Nadine: Ask away.

Amelia: What did you felt when you first got into a relationship?

Nadine: Hmm... I felt nothing.

Amelia: How cold hearted are you...?! *whispers*

Nadine: What? That's the truth. Well, I felt I was in cloud nine but it wasn't that long.

Amelia: I see.

Nadine: So what did you felt?

Amelia: I felt like I was in heaven.

Nadine: Pffftt...

Amelia: What?! *whispers*

Nadine: *tries not to laugh* N-Nothing.. Pfft.. *laughs her ass off*

*still laughing*


*alright im good*

Nadine: You're exaggerating..

Amelia: That's what I felt.

Nadine: Alright, Ms. Ramos. So are you planning to tell it to everyone?

Amelia: Yes. But not now.

Eventually, it wasn't long went she said it to the whole squad.

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