The Beginning

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Author's Note: Hey guys, I know that my usual chapter postings is out of wack but I have been working on My Beloved and some other stuff. Now that its Summer (!) i can focus 100% on wattpad,hopefully.Anyway, this is about my new book Rise, and I hope u enjoy it as much as I do! If theres anything spelled incorrectly just comment/ message me and I'll fix it. Read, Comment, Vote but most of all ENJOY! THX!

Chapter One

    I could already hear them. The uproar and cheer coming from the crowd.I listened to them screaming vulgarities and curses into the air. The sandy ground outside started to quiver and shake, as if welcoming the excitement. Then a ringing bell, producing a piercing sound that shook through the building. My eyes snapped to the sound of my cell door slowly sliding open, and I knew what was going to happen. Soon enough , a soldier approached the cell door from the shadows and entered my cell with a look of disgust. Flies were everywhere, and it reeked like spoiled food and human waste. Straw covered the floor, trying to hide past stains. Hesitantly, he walked behind me and tied a rag tightly around my eyes . He then yanked me to my feet and started tightening my shackles. I winced a bit from the pain, but nothing else. I couldn't afford to reveal my emotions, especially to people like him. Then we walked and walked, away from my cage that kept me shielded and trapped from the world I once loved and now despised, towards the light embedding from the wide-arched exit.

The sun pierced through the blindfold, willing me to see what lies ahead. The soreness and pain from my constricted arms and hands shot through my body with a vengeance. I had to lessen the tightness of my shackles- squirming and twisting my wrists- but it was no use.

"Keep still," the gruff, harsh voice replied to my sudden movement.

Then the crowd went silent. I could hear a person's rapid breathing, then a thud.

"Winner!" a loud booming voice announced, and the crowd erupted in such exuberance, stomping with glee.

All of sudden my hands felt lighter and I was urged forward. My blindfold was torn from my face. I struggled to open my eyes in the blinding rays of the sun, which threatened to pry my eyes from their unfamiliar clutches. At first I winced at the pain, for it was unforgivable trying to cleanse eight years of filth and decay. Focusing my eyes to new surroundings, I couldn't believe the thousands- maybe millions- who were in the arena rows. Further, the area itself was astonishing. It looked old and fragile, though strong and sturdy. Someone slapped me on the back, forcing me forward to a man wearing a black tuxedo.

"The last round has finally approached us!" the man bellowed as he walked around the boundaries of the arena.

The crowd reacted in boos and hisses.

"I know, I know," he replied. "All good things must come to an end." 

The crowd reacted again with boos and jeering. He turned swiftly in my direction, looking me up and down, analyzing me. I wonder what he sees..... It's been so long since I've seen myself. Do I still have my old hazel eyes? My old short, brown hair? Many questions started swirling about how I changed throughout the years, but it only lasted that one second.

"Yet not without a bang!" the man hollered to the crowd. "Without further delay I present to you ,round 10".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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