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A vicious gust of wind explodes in front of my face, reminding me I don't have on proper clothing for the middle of the night. It's still summer, but nights out in the middle of nowhere are relentless. My feet are numb from the sprinting, though now I know it was pointless. He isn't following me.

A howl fills the night, full of a similar pain that stabs into my heart. Though, really, I'm not sure if the pain I'm feeling is longing or terror. He's the wolf from the forest. They look exactly alike, aside from the eyes.

I shake my head. "He can change his eye colour," I mumble to myself. "It's him."

Water covers most of the concrete road beside me from the quick rainfall. A glisten of silver light shines on it, guiding me down the darkened way.

No car or person wanders this lonely road. Just me. The silence is nice. I'd imagine about ten minutes passed since I stopped sobbing like a newborn. A few times, I thought I would hyperventilate. Luckily, my therapist's voice rattled off in my head, reminding me how to calm down. So, in a sense, I convinced myself to calm down until I'm in a safer environment. Preferably where there are no werewolves.

Payton Towers, a friend from University, lives about thirty minutes outside of the city. With numb fingers, I pluck out my cell and dial her number.

"Aria?" Not surprising at all is how awake she sounds. "Everything okay?"

"Payton," I sob.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

I suck in a shaky breath. "Can you do me a favour?"


My eyes flicker to a creaking branch. "I'm just outside of Carleton City, by Baker's Point. Could you... come get me?"

"On my way."

God bless advanced technology; I send her my direct location on my iPhone. She tells me to stay exactly where I am unless someone that isn't her comes up to me.

Twenty minutes later, I'm blinded by the headlights of a matte black mustang. Shielding my eyes from the LED lights, I hear the tires squeal to a stop next to me on the gravel. I've been in this car before, and know that it was a sweet sixteen gift from her way-too-rich parents. Without hesitation, I slide into the passenger seat.

"What happened?" A voice that, to others, could sound cold and detached, greets me.

I shake me head at her. "I can't talk about it yet."

Payton nods, causing her pin straight, ice blond hair to bob from its high pony. She doesn't speak; instead, she puts the car in gear and drives off into the night. I study her as a distraction to get those wolf eyes from my mind.

Kasey and I always teased Payton, saying her name should be Winter. Icy blond hair, never even a single strand out of place. Diamond shaped face; one that often gets her ID'd. Icy blue eyes, slanted enough to make her always look just a little sad. Her porcelain skin looked pale and washed out over winter; it gives her a sickly look. With the summer thriving, her cheeks hold a slight, very slight, tinge of pink to them.

She knows I'm staring, but doesn't say anything. Neither do I, until I notice the red dress she wears, matching her lipstick. "You're wearing a dress? I don't think I've ever seen you in anything besides leggings and a baggy t-shirt."

Payton sighs. "Family dinner."

"Did I interrupt it?"

She waves her hand. "Not at all. Business partners were schmoozing at our house. Dad likes it when I stay up with them. Have a couple glasses of wine." For a second, she turns to glance at me. "Don't worry; I didn't drink any."

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