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*Liam's PoV
Someone was at the door. I went to check.
"Hello, welcome to the neighbourhood. We live right by your place. I'm Harry , this is Louis, my best friend and roommate. " the guy with long hair said , he's too sweet, must keep him away from Sania.
"Hello, I'm Sania and this is my elder brother Liam. " she replied even sweetly.
"Oh nice name ,very different and beautiful. " the brown haired guy said. I don't like him already.
"Thanx its Indian. I study at the uni here and Liam joined at the Indian embassy. "She replied again too sweetly.
"Yes yes thank you for coming, we have a lot of work to finish. " I interrupted the looks Sania and Louis were sharing.
"Oh we understand that's why we came to invite you guys over for dinner and offer you these cookies I made myself. It will give us a lot of pleasure to have you over" the long haired one said.
"Omg that's so sweet, we'd love to join and actually too tired to cook " Sania quickly replied winking. I glared at her. She saw it and said " we'll be there at nine thanx"
"See you then" Louis replied smiling.
Sania closed the door and asked What.
"Weren't you just too sweet to them , why did u accept to go for dinner? And you didn't even ask me once. I won't go to some strangers house for eating their bread and cheese. I can cook for both of us okay and I'm in mood for some butter chicken. " I told her.
"Bhaiya just relax, they were just being so sweet, with the cookies and dinner I didn't wanna deny them , we need to make good relations with the neighbors right. " she replied back.
"Oh yeah how am I supposed to chill when my lil sister flirts with firangi guys like that. Then that boy checking you out, I don't like him. " I eyed back.
"Ya so I look good, everybody checks me out get used to it and I wasn't flirting with them, I was just being sweet, look they even got us these cookies, try one. " she said.
I tasted one bcuz I was soo hungry , it actually tasted very good, now I wanted to have dinner with them, it tasted so good and I was also very tired to cook or go out , going next door would be easier. Maybe I can just keep Sania away from their eyes somehow.
Sania raised her eyes. I smiled back at her cuteness.
"It's good, maybe we can go , just stay away from him okay. " I warned. She gave a slight nod.
"Let's quickly get over with the cleaning. "She got back to work.

After two more hours of cleaning we had fifteen minutes to nine.
"Sania I'm going to have a shower and get ready. You also get done quickly don't be late. " I told her.
I was ready in ten minutes, waiting in the kitchen for Sania. I was wearing my blue jeans with white tees. After half an hour of screaming and calling her, she came down in blue ripped shorts and crop top and wet hair and makeup , black lips and eyes. That got me furious.
"What's wrong with you? Did you forget all your etiquette and the cultures we grew up with, do you wear such revealing clothes now! Do I need to tell you how to be presentable and decent. "I said angrily.
"Oh bhaiya, calm down it's common here, it's alright. My clothes are alright okay. My clothes don't define my culture and values. " she defended.
"Stop answering back and go change I don't want guys eyeing my little sister. Now go quickly we are already late. "
"But bhaiya..."
"Without another word Sania. " I said sternly.
After five minutes Sania came in full skinny jeans and oversized tee and was looking decent. I smiled and gestured her out and locked the apartment.

*Sania PoV
Oh gosh I should have thought about that crop top , Liam came from India he hasn't seen the trend here yet nor can he ever get used to me being grown up hot chick who can have boyfriends and date. But if he's not comfortable with it I'll take it easy right now probably for a few months.
As bhaiya was locking the house all I thought was about the hot guys next doors and the food. Damm.
Liam rang the doorbell at nine forty five and we were greeted by Harry, all so chirpy.
"Hello Liam and Sania please come in. We were waiting for you guys only. "Harry said in his deep sexy voice.
"Hey you guys are here. You must be tired and hungry. Should I directly serve the dinner or would you like the soup?" Louis asked when we sat down on their couch.
"Hello Harry's neighbors I'm Niall , Harry's boyfriend. " a cute blond guy said. He had an amazing lively epitome but his sentence broke my lil heart. Two cute guys down. Damnn why are all cute guys gay, I just hope Louis isn't gay bcuz his attitude is already making me weak in my knees and his jawline is so enticing.
"Boyfriend as in?" Liam asked confused. Oh this must be shocking for him to meet gays. His just arrived anyway. I patted his arm to stop him from overreacting, I didn't want him to offend them, they are so sweet.
"Ya we are together. I love Niall. " Harry said putting his hand over Niall's shoulder.
"Aww you guys are so cute. " I said even before Liam could say something, he was giving me a look of confusion. I just told him to keep shut. Thankfully he listened to me.
We got seated at their dining table.
"Will you have some tomato soup Liam and Sania ?" Harry asked.
" yes please. " Liam replied. I nodded.
We were sitting side by side. Liam on my left. Harry in front with Niall. Louis came with other stuff, he pulled up a chair on the right of me. Liam was looking at him being all protective elder brother.
"Umm this is amazing Harry. I love it. " I quickly said. Everyone agreed.
"I'm glad you liked it" Louis said.
"Yes Lou it's great, actually Louis insisted on helping so I told him to make the soup and it's his first time as well. Very well done Lou " Harry explained. I wished I had said something instead of staring at Louis blushing a thanx.
"Yes it's really good " Liam said elbowing me to stop staring with shock.
"Wow Louis it's so sweet of you. Believe me it's great" I said looking in his beautiful blue eyes.
Liam and Niall hit off pretty quickly. And I and Harry were chatting on end, while Louis occasionally opened his mouth. Even the main course was amazing.
"Harry I must say you cook so well, even I feel jealous. I mean I'm very proud of my cooking skills but you are giving me a complex ." I said.
"Ohh no I'm just okay. You are just hungry that's why you are loving it. " Harry replied. Niall laughed and we all ended up laughing with him. Damn his laugh is contagious and so beautiful.
"Harry is just unaware of his perfectness. " Niall said.
"Yes Harry is good at almost everything and always so sweet and to everyone." Louis said.
"Guys stop. " Harry blushed.
From sports to jobs to weather the boys had discussed everything.
After the dinner we had ice creams and we chatted for a long time, we were having so much fun. It was nice to see Liam settle with these boys.
"Omg it's already twelve. We should get going. You have wake up early as well Sania. " Liam said.
"Oh ya, Harry Niall Louis thank you so much for this amazing night, we will never forget it. And do keep coming to our place. One day we'll cook Indian for you guys. " I insisted.
"Yes of course we will join you guys. And please don't embarrass us by thanking. We had so much fun too. And please feel free to come here or call us if you need anything, anything okay!" Harry said.
"Yeah let's exchange numbers as well, and I hope that day comes quickly. I can't wait to taste your food. " Niall said.
"Yes I'll call for sure. " Liam said.
"And I'll call you when I go to play football." Louis said. We weren't talking much directly , makes me wonder if he is also gay.
"Okay good night guys and thanx again for such a warm welcome. I never could imagine how sweet you guys are. " Liam said.
The boys hugged us and we came back home.
"I liked them surprisingly, they are really nice." Liam admitted.
"I'm just glad you got some friends. And btw I'll be gone to the uni when you wake up tomorrow and please see for your lunch. We'll go shopping for some household stuff on Sunday. " I told him.
We went to our respective rooms.
For some reason the last thought on my mind wasn't Harry, the sweet guy that the type I usually like but Louis, the guy with mesmerising eyes.

When I returned my new home from uni I find Harry and Niall hanging out at our place with Liam and seeing Liam bhaiya so happy gives me a lot of satisfaction.
"Welcome back Sania. How was your day?" Harry asked.
"Agh Good , normal types. How was yours?" I replied to the sweetest person I've seen.
"Yeah, you know we had a lot of fun, I called them here to show how we rearranged the house. " Liam told me.
At that moment the bell rang.
I opened it to the same blue eyes I've been having thoughts about. I promised myself I won't let myself fall for him. He's elder to me, probably likes guys, plus I remember what bhaiya told me.
"Won't you ask me in?" The oceanic eyes fixed in mine asked me.
"Ohhh sorry please come in. Would you like some water?"I asked coming out of my haze.
"Ya , that would be nice. I directly came here bcuz the house was locked and I forgot my key. " Louis said. He came into the kitchen following me.
"How was your day ?" I asked him as was pouring out him cold water.
"Really good. Yours?" He asked.
"It's better now. " I mumbled.
"What ?"
"What. What ?"
"What did you say just right now?"
"Nup nothing. " I was already getting red. How stupid am I. Damnn.
He went towards the drawing room and I followed him in.
We sat down side by side there wasn't any other place though.
We started chatting after a while Liam spoke up.
"So I was just discussing the grocery shopping etc for the house with Harry and he said even he is going for shopping on Sunday and since they have a car they will take us with them and help us. " Liam informed.
"Omg that will be great , I was going to ask you about the stuff that we'll need to buy, cuz I'm kinda clueless and even where I would find it. U just made it easier. Thanx again. " I told.
"Don't mention it. I was thinking we should get something from outside Niall 's time to eat is close." Harry said.
"Yup true, let's get pepperoni pizza and some pasta. " Louis said.
"Umm no pepperoni for us. We don't eat that meat. Chicken for us. " Liam said. Oops I almost forgot we can't eat pig.
"Alright I'll go get it. Anyone gonna come with me ?" Louis asked.
"Sania go with him and get the pizza etc you can eat. And get coke as well and get back quickly. " Niall said.
"Umm I can also go with Louis. " Liam suggested. No I wanna go.
"Oh Liam, stay with us. Let them make dinner arrangements." Harry said. And Liam agreed. I don't understand how more likeable can Harry be.
"let's go then!" Louis said. I nodded with a big smile.

Tell me how this chapter is??
I kept it small this time around 2000 words rather than 3000 bcuz i was editing n it tool me alot of time to go through all of it and gave me the idea to keep the chapters smaller.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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