Chapter 1. Old Times

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When I was young, I never went to school. My father thought I didn't need an education because he thought he knew everything. He must've thought he was the smartest man around because he owned a big building and he was the boss. He told everyone what to do whether they liked it or not.

I used to go to bed every night thinking how awful it would've been to work for a mean person like him. I basically taught myself how to read and write because once I found some old books in my daddy's office. I don't even know if he knew he had them. Since I didn't have an education, I didn't know how to cook or basically do any of the expected things a child was meant to know. You could say I was a little chubby up until the age of 13. That's when my attitude kicked in.


"You need to lose some weight. Stop eating so much" my mother said.

"Well if you haven't noticed, I haven't been eating for the last 4 days. And how could you tell me to stop eating so much? I basically only get oats in the morning and some bread at night. And how dare you call that a lot?" I was on the verge of shouting at her but I knew that if I shouted at her, I would be in heaps of trouble.

"Well I'm sorry that we aren't the richest family on the block but your father works very hard to give you a good life" she answered.

"I don't care if we aren't rich! where is all the money that father makes? With him as the boss for the biggest toy company. He should be getting loads! he is not even supporting us. We should have a nice house not a shack. Nice clothes, not rags. Be eating full meals, no peasant sized meals. You don't even realise! he is probably cheating on you! he doesn't even care for us let alone love us. Wake up mother. He is no good!" I literally shouted the last part.

"How dare you! of course he l-" she started.

I grabbed the nearest glass object and threw it down on the floor.


*flashback over*

I remember everything that day. I was 14. I was about to turn 15 in less than a month. I still remember running off to my room packing all my valuables in a back pack and taking one last glance at my room. With tears falling down my face, I climbed out of the window running away from my terrible life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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